Home Health Care New Michigan mothers to have BP monitors, mental health checks covered by insurance

New Michigan mothers to have BP monitors, mental health checks covered by insurance

by Universalwellnesssystems

According to the US University of Obstetrics and Gynecology, more than 60% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable.

To reduce negative outcomes for mothers and their children, Michigan leaders have passed nearly 12 bills this year aimed at improving access to health care during and after pregnancy.

Some of the highlights included mental health screening needed for new mothers, improved access to blood pressure monitoring, and overall improvements in prenatal care.

D-Walker Rep. Carol Glanville said the bill package signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in late January would help ensure the health and safety of new mothers and their children.

“The pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods can be stressful times for new parents and can be health challenges,” Granville said in a prepared statement. “These bills work to address the unique needs of mothers’ health care to ensure better outcomes for families.”

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House Bill 5167 and 5168 This will require coverage of blood pressure monitor health insurance for pregnant and postpartum women. Previously, only some plans covered the monitor at home.

By improving access, the new law will help more women identify potential risks to their health and identify pregnancies resulting from increased blood pressure, such as premature birth.

Dr. Kania McGhee, obstetrician and gynecologist at Corewell Health in West Michigan, said an estimated 15% to 20% of pregnant or postnatal patients suffer from hypertension.

High blood pressure is often accompanied by physical symptoms and may not be detected without monitoring. Uncontrolled, it is one of the most common causes of maternal morbidity.

McGee called the new law a “great first step” and ensured that patients have monitors to track their blood pressure levels.

“We know that hypertension can also play a role in fetal health and ultimately in infant health,” she said. “It was a big move to make sure we could get a blood pressure cuff for our patients.”

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Patients with hypertension during and after pregnancy also have an increased risk of hypertension in later years. It can lead to untreated and lead to heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

“For most patients, that’s what it works,” she said. “But it’s important for their primary care providers to know so that their primary care providers can follow it in the long run.”

Another important aspect of the Maternal Care Bill Package is the expansion of postnatal mother mental health services (Hospital bill) 5169, 5170 and 5171).

2018 survey published by CDC 13% of the recently born women surveyed reported depressive symptoms during the postnatal period. One in five said they were not asked about depression during their prenatal visits, and one in eight said they were not asked during their postnatal visits.

The new law requires that Michigan health professionals provide mental health screenings and mental health resources, including referrals, to provide follow-up appointments and child wellness visits. Insurance companies should cover these screenings.

“Identifying postnatal depression is an important step to ensuring early success. “With these bills, health professionals will be needed to treat both the physical and behavioral health needs of new mothers, which will support healthier children and families.”

For many years, Corewell Health West has screened mothers with postnatal depression. Recently, screening has become more standardized, McGhee said.

Even if it became a common practice within other health systems, McGee said it would still be useful to guide it into law and help raise awareness of mental health care. She added that there are still many opportunities to continue working with mental health professionals to continue optimizing their care.

Other changes to the Maternal Health Bill package include establishing programs that specify the level of care provided at perinatal facilities. Hospitals require patients to provide information on how to register their newborns with health insurance.

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