Home Health Care New California Laws Now in Effect for 2024 – edhat

New California Laws Now in Effect for 2024 – edhat

by Universalwellnesssystems

As 2024 begins, California is implementing several new laws covering various aspects of state life. These laws aim to address issues related to minimum wage, housing, guns, abortion, schools, and more.


One of the major changes is an increase in the minimum wage. Starting January 1, 2024, California's minimum wage will increase to $16 an hour, improving worker compensation across the state. This increase is intended to promote a fair and livable wage for employees.

AB1228, which increases the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour, will go into effect in April. In June, it will begin raising minimum wages for some health care workers based on the type of facility they work in, eventually reaching an industry-wide minimum wage of $25 by 2033.

Another state bill would make it easier for employees to bring retaliation claims against employers, and another would require both hourly and salaried workers to receive at least five paid sick days per year. Requires employers to obtain

There are also new protections for workers who use cannabis outside of work hours. Employers are now prohibited from requesting information about an applicant's prior cannabis use, and employers are also prohibited from discriminating against workers or applicants based on cannabis use outside of work or at the workplace. has been done. Construction and construction workers, as well as federal employees, are exempt from this.


California is known for its high housing costs, and the new law aims to address this issue.

Starting in July, landlords will be prohibited from charging a security deposit of more than one month's rent.

In addition, places of worship and independent higher education institutions are allowed to build housing development projects on their properties “by right.”

Public security

In response to the continued increase in mass shootings, the state legislature passed two laws that affect gun buyers and owners.One law imposes new restrictions on concealed carry permit holders; another law imposes new restrictions on concealed carry permit holders; An 11% tax on firearms and ammunition to fund violence prevention programs.

Child sex trafficking has been redefined as a felony punishable by life in prison for repeat offenders.

In response to the rise in fentanyl overdoses, prison terms for people who trafficked more than 1 kilogram of fentanyl have been extended.

An 'Ebony Alert' has been set up for missing young black women and children.

Assembly Bill 360 would prohibit medically confirmed causes of death from “excited delirium,” which medical examiners in other states, including Minnesota, have used to classify George Floyd's death.

For victims of childhood sexual assault, the statute of limitations has been abolished for assaults that occurred after January 1st.

Assembly Bill 2282 increases criminal penalties for those who use swastikas, nooses, desecrated crosses, and other symbols of hate in schools, cemeteries, religious institutions, businesses, and other private and public places.

AB 413 prohibits stopping or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of an intersection or crosswalk to avoid parked vehicles.

AB 436 prevents cities and counties from imposing street driving bans.


Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers have been taking action since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and eliminated a woman's right to choose. They passed SB 345, which creates legal protections for health care providers who mail abortion pills and gender-affirming prescriptions out of state. SB 385 would allow physician assistants to perform abortions without the direct supervision of a physician. For those grieving loss of fertility, SB 848 would require employers to provide five days of leave to workers who have experienced a loss of fertility, including miscarriage, stillbirth, embryo transfer, insemination, or failed adoption. is obligatory.

When it comes to mental health, the new bill would make it easier for counties to place people with severe mental illnesses in treatment or temporary psychiatric detention. The law expands the list of people eligible for involuntary detention to include people addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who are unable to protect their own safety.


Retailers are now required to have gender-neutral toy sections.

of right to repair law It would require manufacturers of devices costing more than $50 to provide consumers and repair shops with parts, tools and instructions to repair the devices.

No more hidden fees A new law starting in July will require websites to display the actual cost of services and products upfront. This includes hotels and short-term rental stays, event tickets, and food delivery services, and prevents businesses from hiding prices that are only visible at checkout.

Another law would require social media companies to disclose how they deal with hate speech and misinformation. Tech companies are required to submit reports to state attorneys general on how they handle violations of user terms.

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