Home Products New bacterial therapy approach to treat lung cancer

New bacterial therapy approach to treat lung cancer

by Universalwellnesssystems

Fluorescence microscope image of lung cancer cells stained with antibodies against proteins involved in cell proliferation. Credit: Dhruba Deb/Columbia Engineering

Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the United States and worldwide. Many of the currently available treatments are ineffective, leaving patients with few options. A promising new strategy for treating cancer has been bacterial therapy, which has progressed rapidly from laboratory experiments to clinical trials over the past five years, but remains the most effective against certain types of cancer. Effective treatment may be in combination with other drugs.

Columbia Engineering researchers report developing a preclinical evaluation pipeline for the characterization of bacteriological therapies in the lung. cancer model.their new researchPublished December 13, 2022, Written by scientific report, combining bacteriotherapy with other therapies to improve therapeutic efficacy without additional toxicity. This new approach has allowed us to rapidly characterize bacteriotherapy and successfully integrate it with current targeted therapies for lung cancer.

“We envision rapid and selective expansion of our pipeline to improve treatment efficacy and safety. solid tumorLead author Dhruba Deb, an associate research scientist studying the effects of bacterial toxins on lung cancer in Professor Tal Danino’s biomedical engineering lab, said: From the bench to the bedside in the future. “

The team used RNA sequencing to discover how. cancer cell It was responding to bacteria at the cellular and molecular level. They hypothesized which molecular pathways in cancer cells help the cells become resistant to bacterial therapy. To test their hypothesis, the researchers blocked these pathways with current anticancer drugs and showed that combining them with bacterial toxins was more effective in eliminating lung cancer cells. . They validated the combination of bacteriotherapy and his AKT inhibitor as an example in a mouse model of lung cancer.

“This new study describes an exciting, previously unexplored drug development pipeline. lung cancer—use of toxins derived from bacteria,” said Upal Basu Roy, Executive Director of Research, US, LUNGevity Foundation. A new treatment option for patients diagnosed with this deadly disease. “

Deb plans to extend his strategy to larger studies in preclinical models of difficult-to-treat patients. lung Collaborate with clinicians to advance clinical translation.

For more information:
Dhruba Deb et al, Designing Combination Therapies for Engineered Bacteria Treatment in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, scientific report (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26105-1

Quote: A New Bacterial Therapy Approach to Treat Lung Cancer (December 24, 2022) will be available on December 25, 2022 at https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-12-bacter-therapy-approach-lung- Taken from cancer.html

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