Home Nutrition Natural Athletic Supplements That Could Be Dangerous

Natural Athletic Supplements That Could Be Dangerous

by Universalwellnesssystems

Workout and bodybuilding supplements often contain many ingredients, which can increase the risk of drug interactions.
Valery Honcharuk/Getty Images

  • Herbal supplements are often marked as a safe and “natural” way to improve athletic performance.
  • However, herbal supplements can pose risks such as liver and heart harm.
  • According to researchers, sports supplements to look out for are:

It may seem safe to take “natural” supplements, but even herbal supplements may involve riskssays one researcher. Athletes who take herbal supplements to improve athletic performance and increase muscle mass should be especially aware of the potential harms of supplements.

Dr. Bill Gurley, chief scientist at the National Center for Natural Products Research, told Insider that “weight loss and bodybuilding supplements are probably the most problematic” because they can cause liver damage.

In addition to liver damage, weight loss and bodybuilding supplements can also cause damage to the heart and blood vessels, he said.

Gurley said that while “the vast majority of dietary supplements are extremely safe,” the risk of dangerous side effects increases when the product contains various herbal compounds or when herbal supplements are combined with prescription drugs. Stated.

Here are the supplements Gurley said athletes should avoid because they can be particularly dangerous:

Supplements with added caffeine

Supplements touted to boost athletic performance often have caffeine added to boost energy, but this can be problematic.

“Caffeine is very harmless in most cases,” Gurley said, but with exercise supplements, “often you don’t know how much caffeine you’re taking.” .

Gurley said more than 1 gram of caffeine can cause “toxic symptoms.” Especially if the product “contains other compounds that act similarly to caffeine in terms of cardiovascular stimulant effects, that only exacerbates the problem,” he said.

“Exercise alone puts a lot of strain on the cardiovascular system, and throwing in large amounts of stimulants, which are known to have adverse cardiovascular effects, is just a bad combination,” Gurley says.

For example, if you consume too much caffeine, it will be difficult to tell if you are overheated.

Caffeine can also increase blood pressure, which can also be a problem if you are taking prescription blood pressure medications.

natural steroids

Be wary of products containing “natural anabolic steroids,” says Gurley. Natural steroids are ingredients derived from herbs, plants, and other sources that are thought to mimic the function of human hormones and steroids. Today’s medical news.

However, often products labeled as containing “natural anabolic steroids” actually contain synthetic anabolic steroids.It’s mainly No federal regulations In the supplement industry, companies can manufacture and sell supplements without notifying government agencies.

And while synthetic steroids may help “increase muscle mass,” Gurley says, “taking them over a long period of time can also cause major damage to the liver.”

black pepper extract

Black pepper extract itself is harmless. However, it can be dangerous when combined with other compounds, such as other herbal supplements or prescription drugs.

“You’ll find that black pepper extract is often a fairly common ingredient in many multi-ingredient supplements,” says Gurley. That’s because black pepper extract makes it easier for the compounds to enter the bloodstream, making it easier to feel the effects, Gurley said.

But this can also be dangerous, Gurley says, because it “may increase the risk of herb-drug interactions.”


Yohimbe is derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, which grows in central and central Africa. being touted It is effective for weight loss, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and athletic performance.

But it’s also dangerous. Yohimbe contains a chemical called yohimbine, which can cause heart attacks and irregular heartbeats. According to WebMD. It has also been linked to seizures, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

“I always recommend avoiding yohimbe as much as possible,” Gurley says.

Supplements containing multiple ingredients

Supplements marketed to enhance athletic performance, such as herbal supplements, often contain many different compounds. “When you start getting hooked on the crazy combinations in bodybuilding supplements, things can get a little weird,” Gurley said.

Gurley said taking such multi-ingredient supplements is like opening a “pharmacological Pandora’s box”, increasing the risk of dangerous drug interactions.

Gurley said you should be especially careful about taking herbal supplements if you are taking prescription medications.

Taking prescription drugs and herbal supplements at the same time can cause unintended and potentially harmful symptoms. Herb and drug interactions. Therefore, always consult your doctor before trying any new supplements.

Be careful where you buy your herbal supplements

With all herbal supplements, Gurley said it’s important to be careful about who you buy from. Some supplement manufacturers do not manufacture their supplements carefully, which can lead to contamination and contamination. mixture – When unadvertised compounds are secretly included in supplements.

“You’d be surprised to find that many weight loss, nutritional and bodybuilding supplements are laced with conventional medicines,” says Gurley. Products contaminated with these foreign substances can increase the risk of liver damage.

To avoid this, Gurley recommends purchasing herbal products that are HSP or NSF Sports certified.

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