Home Mental Health National Relaxation Day: Date, history, significance, ways to relax

National Relaxation Day: Date, history, significance, ways to relax

by Universalwellnesssystems

In the United States, National Relaxation Day is celebrated on August 15th each year. A day dedicated to resting, rejuvenating, and de-stressing, Relaxation Day allows you to put your mundane tasks on hold, pursue hobbies, indulge in watching, and spend time with your favorite people. It’s all about doing what your heart desires. . In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a part of life, yet finding time for self-care and relaxation is becoming increasingly difficult. From ancient times to modern times, there are many relaxation techniques that can be practiced to relieve stress. (Also read: What is stress? What effect does it have on our bodies?)

national mitigation day date

National Relaxation Day is celebrated on August 15th every year in the United States. (Freepik)

National Relaxation Day is celebrated on August 15th every year in the United States.

history of national relax day

You’ll be surprised to learn that the idea of ​​dedicating your day to relaxation wasn’t conceived by an adult in 1985, but by wise nine-year-old Michigan-based Sean Moller. It was a hot, sweltering August day and Sean was in a kind of mood. Tired and really hot, he thought people should just have a day to sit and relax. The idea seemed to appeal to his grandfather as well, who helped create the annual leave.

Significance of National Relaxation Day

Studies show that relaxation can keep your heart healthy, release muscle tension, and improve your memory. It can also reduce the chances of depression, anxiety and obesity. Stress can lead to problem behaviors such as overeating, which can lead to weight gain and chronic diseases. A relaxation day is an opportunity to focus on your body’s rest and rejuvenation needs.

How to relax and beat stress

  • Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, neck and back, and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing.
  • Read a book, spend time with nature, or enjoy your favorite activity.
  • Meet friends who make you feel relaxed when you talk to them. Enjoy a pleasant conversation while drinking coffee.
  • Meditation helps transition from flight or combat mode to rest or digestion mode. Choose a type of meditation and practice it regularly.
  • Do not bring gadgets or mobile phones to bed at night and try to maintain good sleep hygiene.

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