Home Mental Health My brother would have lived longer if he had mental health care

My brother would have lived longer if he had mental health care

by Universalwellnesssystems

When I think about Chicago’s mental health crisis, I think of my brother, Leon. He was a loving husband, father, and incredible musician, but he struggled violently with mental illness for much of his life. Sadly, he died addicted to drugs and with no place to live.

I also think about my daughter, Bradyn, and specifically remember a conversation I had with her when she was 7 years old. We were trying to navigate life during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was trying to explain something to her, and I thought I was explaining it clearly, and all of a sudden she said, “You know what? “You’re turning me on, Daddy.”

I was surprised at first – I’d never thought I’d talk to my parents like that – but as I reflected on that exchange, I realized how important it was that our daughter was able to put into words what she was feeling in that moment.

I believe that if my brother had the words to express his needs and the mental health care he needed, his life on earth would have been much longer. Leon and Bradyn are what make this work so personal to me.

That’s why a year ago I made it a priority to assemble a working group of city officials, community organizers, and mental health care advocates to develop a roadmap for expanding mental health care services in Chicago. I asked them to present a bold vision for transforming Chicago’s mental health care infrastructure, while keeping in mind the budgetary and operational constraints of a current system that has been degraded by more than 30 years of cuts, privatization, and neglect.

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