Home Medicine Mum’s hack for treating sunburn in just 30 minutes hailed a ‘miracle’

Mum’s hack for treating sunburn in just 30 minutes hailed a ‘miracle’

by Universalwellnesssystems

A creative mother has been hailed as a “goddess of grace” as she shares a “miracle” and amazing sunburn remedy that relieves all pain in just 30 minutes.

Cindy Allen Stewart desperately sought help when she realized her skin was still burning no matter how much sunscreen she applied.

A mom of two reveals a secret hack to ‘get rid of’ sunburns

But the mum of two from Mount Calm, Texas, has found a trick to cure sunburn pain and is sharing it not only with her kids, but now online.

She also credits her mother-in-law for the tip.

The answer seems to be to scour your bathroom wardrobe and smear shaving cream in place of your traditional sunscreen treatment.

Not only does it apply quickly, Cindy claims it soothes skin in just 30 minutes.

She raves about it on Facebook: “It’s so comfortable because it lets the heat escape so quickly.

“First, buy a menthol foam shaving cream. It should be foam and contain menthol.

“I had trouble finding menthol foam in stores, so I found Gillette shaving cream on Amazon.

“I ended up buying 6 cans and it worked well because we live in Texas and get sunburns a lot (plus I gifted a few cans to friends).

“Next, apply shaving cream to the burn area. It may seem like a strange shaving ritual, but believe me.

“Don’t rub it, just put it on your skin. Then all the heat will come out (you can feel it). You may feel itchy, but that’s a good thing. !” Itching means healing.

“It’s starting to feel a little chilly. At least the tanned parts of your body are a good sign.

“Finally, if you still need it, do it again the next day. Usually after the second treatment the tan goes away. I use this on my kids too.”

Her mother-in-law learned the life hack from a doctor 40 years ago, and Cindy said, “I thought it was crazy until I tried it.”

The stay-at-home mom says shaving cream works better than the aloe vera she used to love, but says, “I’m not telling you to go out and do this, it’s what I do. I was just showing it to my friends.

“Always remember to use sunscreen! Too much sun exposure is dangerous and can lead to cancer.

“I am not advocating going out without sunscreen. !”

The online response has been thankfully and deservingly warm, with one fan commenting, “This is a godsend and has already saved my life this summer!”

In another post, “This works great! With aloe, you have to keep applying it and it doesn’t last very long.

“But with the menthol shaving cream, the burning sensation after the first use was permanently gone, and after the second use, I barely felt the sunburn.”

The advisory comes after Britons have had one of the hottest weekends yet this year, with temperatures soaring above 32 degrees Celsius, but there are warnings of heavy rain this week.

Other recommendations for dealing with sunburn include oat baths and eating watermelon, as well as aloe vera.

Shaving foam is now shared as an unexpectedly obvious sun protection solution

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