Home Fitness Mum-of-two shares ‘glow up secrets’ after ‘ditching her old lady body’ to become ripped at 51

Mum-of-two shares ‘glow up secrets’ after ‘ditching her old lady body’ to become ripped at 51

by Universalwellnesssystems

A mother has shed her “old woman figure” and is now extremely healthy at the age of 51.

Billy Steele began struggling with his weight after the birth of his second child and soon found himself weighing 13 stone 5lbs and a size 16.

Billy Steele before his fitness transformationCredit: SWNS
The 51-year-old mother of two overhauled her fitness program and dietCredit: SWNS

She managed to lose the weight, but it started to pile up again about 10 years later after she hit menopause.

At 48, she weighed 12 stone 9 pounds and was a size 14.

Billie battled depression, alcohol and dieting for three years before eventually realising her health was putting a “burden” on her two children.

She hit the gym, changed her diet, rebuilt her life and is now a fit, toned 51-year-old.

“I can’t believe how I look,” said Billy, a personal trainer from New South Wales, Australia.

“I went to a self-destructive Olympics. I had a bad experience, but I feel physically stronger now.”

“Everything about my body is better than it’s ever been. My memory is sharper and my flexibility has improved.”

“Everything is great. The sparkle is amazing.”

Billie gained weight after giving birth to her son Gus, now 17, so she worked hard to shed the four stone seven pounds.

But 13 years later, the symptoms began to appear again.

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“Around 48, I started going through menopause and gaining weight,” she says.

“I became extremely depressed and anxious. It was out of control.”

The weight gain had a negative impact on her mother’s mental health, and she spent 21 days in rehab for depression.

Billy isolated himself from friends and family and stopped speaking to his 25-year-old daughter Grace.

“I’d been drinking. I felt stupid,” she said.

When the pandemic hit, Billy continued on a downward spiral, and it wasn’t until his doctor told him he was pre-diabetic that he realized he had to make a change.

“I felt so embarrassed thinking about the burden I was putting on my children,” she said. “I had done it all by myself.”

Billy has changed his eating habits and now tries to cook dinner from scratch at home every day.

When I look in the mirror, I feel like I’m not myself. It’s like I’m looking at a stranger.

Billy Steele

She said: “I stopped ordering Uber Eats. I stopped drinking beer every night.”

Billy’s daughter noticed a 12-week challenge being held at her local gym and encouraged him to take part.

“It felt like all the flesh had been ripped from my bones,” she said.

“I felt like I was a kid again. Again, as a parent, I had to teach myself how to do everything.”

Billy’s Diet and Training Tips


  • She cooks from scratch at home whenever possible.
  • She eats a lot of protein
  • She’s focused on whole foods
  • She stopped drinking alcohol


  • She goes to the gym four days a week and does strength training (dumbbells, bands, weight machines, etc.).
  • She runs three days a week
  • She walks 10,000 steps a day

Billie now weighs 9 stone 2 pounds and is a slender size 8. Looking back at old photos, she barely recognises who she is.

“I feel like I’m not myself,” she says. “I feel like I’m looking at a stranger.”

“That woman finally got her bearings. She got us to where we are today.”

“I hated the person I was. Now I’m grateful that she decided to try harder for herself.”

Billy goes to the gym four days a week for strength training, runs three days a week, and walks 10,000 steps a day.

She eats a homemade, protein-rich, whole food diet and avoids alcohol.

“I’m happier and more at peace,” she said.

Billy goes to the gym four times each week, runs three times, and walks 10,000 steps a day.Credit: SWNS
Billy now feels stronger and happier than ever.Credit: SWNS
Billie is now a slim 9 stone 2 pounds and a size 8.Credit: SWNS
In old photos, she barely recognizes herself.Credit: SWNS
Billie shows off her super healthy figureCredit: SWNS
She said she had previously felt “uncomfortable.”Credit: SWNS
Billy eats a homemade, whole food, protein-rich diet and avoids alcohol.Credit: SWNS

How to Lose Weight Safely

Weight loss should not be a drastic measure but a long-term commitment to living a healthier life.

Some NHS tips that you can slowly adopt include:

  • Aim for 150 minutes of activity per week, even if you break this down into shorter sessions.
  • Aim for your five meals a day, with every 80g of fresh, tinned or frozen fruit or vegetables counting as one meal.
  • Aim to lose 1-2 pounds or 0.5-1 kg per week
  • Read food labels – products with green labels rather than amber or red are often healthier choices
  • Replace sugary drinks with water, and if you don’t like the taste, add lemon or lime slices to give it some flavor.
  • Cut back on sugary and fatty foods, starting with replacing sugary cereals with whole grain alternatives.
  • Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust, who can motivate you when you feel down.

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