Home Nutrition Most Popular Dietary Supplements Used by US Military Service Members

Most Popular Dietary Supplements Used by US Military Service Members

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many military personnel use supplements to improve physical performance and support overall health.
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  • Military personnel are known for being extremely physically fit.
  • Military personnel are more likely than civilians to take supplements to support their health and fitness.
  • Popular supplements include multivitamins, protein and amino acid supplements, and single-ingredient supplements.

Military personnel are some of the healthiest people. Because it’s brutal.”a week of hell“Training is intense. Tactics and Leadership Courseto Physical fitness test Because it requires complex motor skills, physical fitness is an important part of preparing military members for real-world combat and survival.

But when it comes to fitness; So is good nutrition. Important as a workout.

And military personnel are even more likely than civilians to use supplements for even greater effectiveness.

“based on Recent investigationapproximately 75% of military personnel report taking dietary supplements,” Dr. Stephen Pasiakos, director of the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health and a former military researcher, told Business Insider. 50% of the general population Report that you are taking supplements.

Here are some of the most commonly used nutritional supplements among U.S. military personnel.


According to , multivitamins are the most popular supplements taken by military personnel. 2021 survey More than 26,000 military personnel were surveyed.

Multivitamins help meet daily nutritional requirements There is no need to take several different supplements.A study published earlier this year found that taking a daily multivitamin also helps. Improve cognitive function in the elderly.

But Paciakos says the best way to get the nutrients you need each day is still through whole foods.

“If your diet provides sufficient amounts of micronutrients and macronutrients, there is usually no need to take supplements,” Pasiakos says.

protein and amino acids

Protein and amino acid supplements are also common. Already used Pasiakos said it was done by military personnel to “increase muscle mass and accelerate recovery from exercise.”

according to 2021 surveyapproximately 33% of military personnel use protein or amino acid supplements, compared to only 4% of civilians.

protein is essential train muscles.addition protein powder If you're low on protein, you can meet your daily protein needs by improving your diet, but Pasiakos said a food-first approach is preferable.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.Several amino acid supplements It can help improve athletic performance, and most people get all the amino acids they need through a balanced diet. According to the Cleveland Clinic.

single ingredient supplements

Single-ingredient supplements are also popular among military personnel.according to 2021 survey31% reported using single-ingredient supplements containing a single type of vitamin or mineral, such as vitamin D or calcium.

“There are times when taking supplements is warranted,” Pasiakos said.

For example, military Performance readiness bar Pasiakos said the snack bar is fortified with vitamin D and calcium “in hopes of reducing the risk of stress fractures, especially in female trainees.”

Pasiakos also said it is important for service personnel to: get enough iron. Women are especially at risk for low iron levels. monthly menstrual cycle. intense physical training, Like in basic trainingthe need for certain nutrients such as iron may also increase.

If your iron levels are too low, taking an iron supplement may be recommended.

Others may also benefit from single-ingredient supplements such as: vitamin D, calciumiron, etc., but the best way to know for sure is to talk to your health care professional.

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