Home Medicine More than just a drink – these two ingredients have been a universal home remedy for centuries

More than just a drink – these two ingredients have been a universal home remedy for centuries

by Universalwellnesssystems

There is an ancient Indonesian drinks Known as jams, as they are made from turmeric and ginger, are considered a cure for thousands of people. As it is a very important drink in Indonesian culture, the recipe passes through generations within the family. Turmeric, inger, and tamarind are one of the spices, roots and herbs that conventionally mash mortar and pestle into thick slurries before being consumed as a shot, a warm drink, or a cold refreshment. Jam has experienced a revival in Indonesia, with more people turning to foods and drinks that have health benefits during the pandemic.

Now available nationwide, jam cafes such as Akaraki and Sweora Jam have appeared in Indonesia thanks to the efforts of young artisans and businessmen. Additionally, St. Regis Barrier offers this turmeric and ginger Beefy Tar Gin fortified drink. There is also a slightly developed jam community in the US. Some Indonesian Americans are beginning to like childhood drinks, once considered very bitter and salty.

Jam turmeric and inger have been a universal home remedy for centuries

Third generation jam maker Shanley Alya Suganda founded Djamu, a New York City-based company, in 2021, supporting the herbal formulating habit. The newest cocktail menu at Wayan Restaurant in New York City is home to jam drinks, French and Indonesian cuisine. In the US, Indonesian companies like Jamlogy have begun selling jams. Additionally, enthusiasts flock to places such as the Puree Juice Bar in Bethesda, Maryland, and drink cold-pressed jam.

Like Gadogado (peanut sauce and salad) Nasi Goren (Javanese Fried Rice), Jamu is Indonesian cuisine. However, ancient tinctures are not well known overseas. The jam is believed to have been made in the Royal Court as a long-lived elixir about 1,300 years ago. Since then, Indonesians have continued to use it as a natural immune booster, a cure for illness, and a pick-up. For many Indonesians, jam is more than just a drink. It pays homage to the traditions and heritage of their nation on a cultural, historical and spiritual level.

Additionally, Eve Lilik is a third generation herbalist who has performed jam rituals. Laguna Resort and Spa For over 30 years at Nusa Door in Bali, it has said that jams are more than just a drink. Made from the island’s abundant natural resources, this tonic has been passed down for many years and represents the rich heritage of Indonesia. According to Lilik, the jam is praised not only for its therapeutic quality, but also for its way of promoting a sense of connection with the land. Most jam recipes contain ingredients such as turmeric, ginger, tamarind and lemongrass, and are well known for their anti-inflammatory, digestive and recuperative properties.

Not perfect with this drink made with turmeric and ginger

The harsh and spicy flavor of the tonic can separate people. As a child, many Indonesians rebelled for feeding their parents. Suganda, for example, is bitter, naive, and Wlow Wall drinks are difficult Unpleasantly, despite the unpleasant texture, she holds a sip and terrifies her. The US is increasing awareness of Indonesia’s wellness culture as jam products become more widely available.

djamu, an Indonesian wellness brandshas been testing products in New York for three and a half years, and customers have given excellent feedback on health benefits and unique flavors. Finally, it is important to remember that Djamu’s trademark Jamu is always sunny and made with fresh turmeric, ginger, lemon, tamarind and monk fruit. At Puree Juice Bars in Maryland, only fresh ingredients are cold pressed, preventing grainy flavors from other brands that use dry powders to extend shelf life.

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