Home Mental Health More gambling clinics set up after record demand

More gambling clinics set up after record demand

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • By James Fitzgerald
  • BBC news

image source, Getty Images

image caption,

NHS stresses how easy gambling can be with a ‘press of a button’ on a smartphone

NHS England has nearly doubled its number of gambling addiction clinics following record referrals.

Seven new facilities are scheduled to open this summer, in addition to the eight already open across the country.

About 1,389 patients were referred for gambling assistance in 2022/23, up from 775 two years earlier.

But political opponents accuse ministers of “holding back” over promised reforms to protect gamblers.

NHS CEO Amanda Pritchard said in a statement announcing the opening of the new clinic that gambling addiction is a “brutal disease with the power to destroy people’s lives”. .

Children and adults alike are “under attack” from gambling ads, Ms Pritchard added, noting that modern smartphones make gambling as easy as “pressing a button”.

The NHS announcement follows Thursday’s coroner’s ruling that a gambling company could have done more to help a gambler who committed suicide after being heavily in debt in 2021.

The company in question, Betfair, said it had met all regulatory standards in force at the time, but admitted in hindsight it should have done more.

Once 15 facilities are fully open across the UK, the health service hopes to be able to treat 3,000 patients a year using technologies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

The seven new clinics are located in Blackpool, Bristol, Derby, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Sheffield and Thurrock, Essex.

These are in addition to other programs already running in London, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, Southampton, Stoke-on-Trent and Telford.

There are eight clinics in London that treat gaming addiction in children and adolescents as well as gambling.

Public Health Minister Neil O’Brien says the number of people seeking NHS treatment for gambling problems is ‘exponentially rising’, and such problems have a ‘devastating impact’ on people’s lives. pointed out that it is possible.

He said the government plans to address these issues, including a pledge to introduce a statutory levy to ensure gambling companies pay their “fair share” for treatment services.

Among the measures proposed was a £2 wagering limit on online slot machines for young gamblers. But campaigners attacked the lack of action on the ad.

The new addiction center has been described as “encouraging” by the charity Gambling With Lives, whose strategy director Will Prochaska said the clinic’s establishment was “at a time when gambling advertisements lured more people to harm.” , could not be installed at a more opportune time,” he said.

Sunday’s announcement was also welcomed by Cleanup Gamble director Matt Zerb-Cousin, who said, “Gambling, like any other, is an addiction, and 86% of profits from online gambling are linked to addiction or other forms of gambling. We get it from the at-risk 5%.”

“It is very important that access to treatment has been normalized and that people know that there is NHS assistance available in their area if they become victims of gambling, and the current industry business model is that of It’s built on the damage.”

The Liberal Democrats said news about record addiction introductions shows that the Conservative Party has not taken sufficient steps to protect gamblers.

“Too many people are victims of gambling,” said health spokesman Daisy Cooper.

“The Conservatives have been pledging reforms to protect themselves for years, but they are still holding back.

“These new numbers should alert ministers to stop hesitating and act now before more lives are ruined.”

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