A record number of Australians may be dropping exercise from their life’s priority list, but more are finding exercise, according to the annual AusPlay survey of 20,000 Australians on their exercise habits. You seem to recognize the wide range of benefits.
Key Point:
- Latest national sport and exercise survey shows how Australians are recovering from pandemic
- But the percentage of inactive Australians who say exercise is no longer a priority has reached a record high
- About a third of people are motivated to exercise for mental health reasons
Nearly one in three Australian adults now engages in physical activity to maintain their mental health.
That figure is 31%, almost doubling in five years, and has seen steady growth during the pandemic and the restrictions that have followed.
But the survey also showed that children are returning to weekly out-of-school physical activity. 47% compared to 42% the previous year, but it also showed that being active is no longer as important to some Australians.
The proportion of Australians who are inactive and report that physical activity is no longer a priority has increased significantly from 7% in 2020-21 to 11% in 2021-22.
This is the highest level recorded since AusPlay began collecting data in October 2015.
The proportion of Australians aged 18 and over who speak a language other than English at home is even higher at 13%.
Federal Sports Minister Annika Wells said the study will help us understand how governments and individual sports are approaching the management of the sector.
“Australians understand the benefits of being active for their physical and mental health and we must continue to address the barriers that keep them from being active.
Rochelle Eime, professor of sport participation at the University of Victoria, says keeping Australians involved in physical activity helps not only individuals but society as a whole.
“If you are really in poor health and have many chronic diseases, [are] Severe obesity makes it very difficult to stay active, especially through sports activities,” said Professor Aimee.
“That’s the problem. We have rising obesity rates and rising chronic diseases, and the costs and burdens of health problems are enormous.”
Personal pursuits are on the rise
Swimming and football (including soccer and Aussie rules) are the most popular activities for boys, while swimming, dancing and gymnastics are the most popular for girls.
Bushwalking continues to be popular among men, making it the third most popular non-sporting activity after walking, going to the gym or participating in personal fitness.