Home Medicine Montana Family Medicine Residency Receives $2.5 Million Grant | News

Montana Family Medicine Residency Receives $2.5 Million Grant | News

by Universalwellnesssystems

Billings, Mont. — Substantial increase in funding for mental health care For all of Montana, After $200,000,000.00 Awarded to a local medical residency program.

funds are doctor enrolled in Montana debtAmily M.medicine R.Resident program, partnership with river stone timehealth, Billings Haclinic, When centVincent H.Healthcare wIllness Mental Health Training Focused Specifically on Children, teens, and rural youth.

Legislation Increases Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Areas Expanding behavioral health training for primary care physicians during residency programs.

board certification P.with a psychiatrist P.project D.supervisor of Montana debtAmily M.medicine R.Resident, Julie Kelso To tell, Providing mental health care in rural areas presents many challenges.

“Me think There are many issues related to rural areas and mental health. Access is undoubtedly a problem, with primary health care providers in short supply in rural areas and isolation being a major factor. ”

Montana has one of the highest suicide rates in the country, It is also affecting the younger generation of the state.

Dr. Kelso says, Addressing mental health and substance abuse early can help solve this problem.

“Children and young adults are important because these are treatable conditions, people get better, and it affects the rest of that individual’s life.

over 20 years, of M.Ontana debtAmily M.medicine R.esidency has been dedicated to the health and welfare of its patients.

When D.r. Kelso I believe, Grants reflect success of residency program She looks to the future of behavioral health medicine. Montana.

Getting this grant is a big deal Montana And I hope it helps tackle the mental health and substance abuse crisis in our state..

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