Home Mental Health Monday Medical: Exercise, mental health important aspects of survivorship

Monday Medical: Exercise, mental health important aspects of survivorship

by Universalwellnesssystems

Editor’s Note: This is the second of two articles focused on cancer survivorship.First article focused on Medical aspects of survivorship.

A person becomes a cancer survivor from the moment a diagnosis is made and remains so for the rest of their lives.

Drugs, treatments, and medical procedures all play important roles in fighting disease, but research shows that other factors, such as diet, exercise, and mental health, also help people physically and emotionally. is shown.

Lifestyle considerations such as physical activity make important differences in health outcomes for cancer survivors, according to a National Institutes of Health study examining correlations between positive health behaviors and cancer survivors .

Take action to slow cancer

Dr. Lavanya Kondapalli of UCHealth, Associate Professor of Cardiology and Director of Cardiac Oncology at the University of Colorado, said: Faculty of Medicine.

Another NIH study of women diagnosed with high-risk breast cancer showed that women who exercised regularly before their cancer diagnosis and after treatment were less likely to have their cancer come back. This study collected physical activity data for women before, during, and after cancer treatment.

“I encourage everyone going through cancer treatment to do what they can. Even a little activity can help,” she said.

Other ways to improve cancer outcomes in the short and long term

  • eat well: Kondapari isn’t obsessed with eating only heart-healthy foods for those undergoing cancer treatment, as only certain foods may make them more appetizing.
    “I’m giving everyone permission for the time being, but please return to a nutritious, balanced diet once the treatment is over.
  • Managing stress: “How do you manage your stress? For some, it means meditation. For others, talking to a counselor or therapist can help. Please,” said Kondapalli.
  • Get enough sleep: “Keep moving forward,” recommends Kondapari. “But don’t forget rest and self-care. We need to prioritize what keeps us healthy.”
  • exercise: Anything from walking to gardening to specific exercise classes for cancer patients can help. “Prioritize it and move your body,” she said.

Kondapalli reminds patients to complete an annual check-up with their doctor and remember to take their daily medications for conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. This is especially important for people who continue to work and are busy with personal and professional demands during cancer treatment.

make smart and proactive choices

“We want survivors to make wise and proactive choices for their long-term health,” Kondapalli said.

She encourages her patients to be educated about all aspects and stages of diagnosis and treatment.

“For health care providers, nothing beats an educated patient,” she said. “Help me take better care of you.”

Mary Gay Broderick writes for UCHealth.she can be reached at [email protected].

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