Home Fitness Mom-of-seven, 60, details her secrets to getting washboard abs as she stresses the importance of exercising during menopause

Mom-of-seven, 60, details her secrets to getting washboard abs as she stresses the importance of exercising during menopause

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Dalyce Radtke, 60, from Arizona, is a fitness enthusiast who shares tips online.
  • The mother of seven often flaunts her toned abs and physique.
  • She’s on a mission to teach older women the importance of physical activity

The 60-year-old mother of seven is showing off her toned abs and enviable physique to show older women that staying active is an important part of the aging process.

Dalyce Radtke of Chandler, Arizona, is a fitness enthusiast who works out every day.

Now, this full-time personal trainer is trying to ignite a passion for health and exercise in older adults by sharing her methods on social media. Her methods have gone viral and she boasts 400,000 followers.

After reaching menopause at age 50, Darris learned how important staying active is for good health and made it her mission to teach others.

The 60-year-old mother of seven shows off her toned abs and enviable physique to show older women that staying active is an important part of the aging process. .
Dalyce Radtke of Chandler, Arizona, is a fitness enthusiast who works out every day.
Now, the full-time personal trainer (pictured here, 33) is trying to ignite a passion for health and exercise in older adults by sharing his methods on social media.

The 60-year-old mother has been “all about fitness” since she was in her 20s and doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

And over the years, she’s made it a priority to move her body, even on her busiest days.

She said: “I’ve been into fitness since my early 20s because for me it’s a two-way street. When you feel good, you look good and vice versa.”

“Working out has become as natural to my daily routine as brushing my teeth. This dedication has only grown stronger with each pregnancy.

“No matter how busy my life is with seven kids, I sneak in a 5-10 minute workout after they get home or in the bright light before they wake up. ”

When she started menopause at age 50, she was satisfied that her symptoms were “relatively mild.”

She said she had “hot flashes” and couldn’t sleep all night, but was thankful she didn’t have worse symptoms, like her mother Edna, who also remains active.

Darris explained: “I went through menopause at age 50. I was lucky that my symptoms were relatively mild. My symptoms are similar to those of my mother, Edna, who is still a fitness enthusiast at 91.” Aside from that, the worst symptom I experienced was not being able to sleep.

After reaching menopause at age 50, Darris learned how important staying active is for good health and made it her mission to teach others.
“Working out became as natural as brushing my teeth in my daily routine. This dedication became even stronger with each pregnancy,” she said.

“But menopause is different for everyone. For many women, their metabolism slows down, which can affect bone density and cause joint pain.

“That’s why it’s important to stay active during and after menopause.”

My mother has been “all about fitness” since she was in her 20s (27 years old in the photo)

according to Permanente Medical Groupexercising during menopause can boost your mood and improve your sleep quality thanks to the endorphins released during exercise.

When Edna lost her daily exercise routine due to Canadian retirement regulations, Dallis noticed a significant drop in her energy and watched her mother overcome it and stay active.

Dalice is also proud to be Edna’s personal trainer as she watches her mother continue to challenge herself.

She explained:’When retirement began at age 65, according to Canadian regulations, my mother took action because she lost her daily physical routine, leading to a significant decline in her physical strength and energy.

“She lives by the creed: If you don’t keep moving, you risk losing your ability to move.” She remains active, shoveling snow in the winter, driving to the gym, and gardening in the spring and summer. She is conscious not to sit for too long and she stands up a lot when we go for walks.

Daris was shocked to see her mother still moving and helped her with different exercises to keep her motivated.

According to Permanente Medical Group, exercising during menopause can boost your mood and improve your sleep quality thanks to endorphins.
The 60-year-old mother of seven lifts weights frequently, does abdominal exercises and makes sure to stretch every day.
In 2020, she began posting fitness-related content on TikTok tailored for menopausal women.

He added, “As her daughter and personal trainer, I have provided exercises and different challenges to keep her motivated.” But to be honest, her zest for life and health My efforts are my driving force. ”

Now, Daris incorporates the same training into his daily routine.

The mother of seven frequently lifts weights, does ab exercises and makes sure to stretch every day.

In 2020, she began posting fitness-related content on TikTok tailored for menopausal women.

she said:’Before the pandemic, I wasn’t very active on social media. However, when I had to cancel my one-on-one training sessions due to COVID-19, I continued my personal training from home.

“My son and his girlfriend are already social media stars, and they suggested I start sharing their home workout routines online.”

And before she knew it, she became a viral sensation by sharing low-impact workouts that help women get moving.

And before you know it, she’s become a huge sensation by sharing low-impact workouts that help women get moving.
She added: “Especially when I started posting on TikTok, my followers grew faster than I expected.” (Photo taken at age 30)
In addition to her workout routine, Daris openly shares her experience with plastic surgery with her followers.Recently she received a lift on her chin, lips and neck

She added, “Especially once I started posting on TikTok, my followers grew faster than I expected.”

In addition to her workout routine, Daris openly shares her experience with plastic surgery with her followers. Recently she received a lift on her chin, lips and neck.

“No matter how fit you are, no matter how much you exercise or how well you eat, you can’t defy gravity,” she admitted.

She added: “I wanted my appearance to reflect how youthful I was on the inside. I feel like I look the same, if not better, than I did in my 30s and 40s. But I’m also realistic. Yes. I’m not trying to look 30 or 40. I’m not trying to fool anyone. My oldest child is 35.

“I think beauty procedures are no different than wearing makeup, hair extensions, acrylic nails, or Spanx. It’s not about changing yourself, it’s about enhancing what you already have. .”

Dalice’s love of fitness led her to meet her husband, Paul, who is 13 years her junior. The couple have two children. Paul plays an important role in the lives of Radtke’s other five children from previous relationships.

“We first met at a gym where I worked as a trainer and fitness instructor. Introduced by a mutual friend, we instantly hit it off, sharing common interests and a healthy lifestyle. Our bond deepened over our love for each other.

Dalice’s love of fitness led her to meet her husband, Paul, who is 13 years her junior.the couple have two children
Paul plays a significant role in the lives of Radtke’s other five children from previous relationships.
Despite occasional cougar remarks, the couple is ‘rock solid’ and recently celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary

“Gradually, our friendship turned into a romantic relationship. Paul was the one I wanted to live with, especially when I saw his eagerness to be a part of my five young children and my world.” “It became clear that I was someone who wanted to share things,” she recalled.

Despite the occasional cougar remarks, the couple remains “rock-solid” and recently celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary.

“Age has never been a big issue in our relationship. We are focused on the things that really matter to a successful marriage: common values, common goals, parenting styles, financial harmony, Focus on mutual desires.

“We may notice age differences when we recall our school days, music, movies, and other nostalgic topics, but when it comes to health and energy, we can all agree that we have more energy.”

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