Home Mental Health Misuse of Service Animals & Allergies: Advice

Misuse of Service Animals & Allergies: Advice

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Amy:

I volunteer at several public facilities (including zoos) where visitors often bring pets that they claim are service animals.

In many cases this is a blatant lie. For example, a visitor to the zoo today claimed that his pup was a service animal.

When I told her that animals were not allowed in the space, she made an exception and ventured to ask me about the law governing service animals.

Management warns volunteers like me to avoid contact with so-called service animals unless they are nuisance or dangerous.

When someone claims that their companion animal is a service animal or “emotional support animal,” we are told to accept the term. This is primarily to avoid the threat of litigation.

Can I remind readers that service animals are a specific legal entity? Pretending your dog or other pet is a service animal does us all a disservice. The subject is selfish behavior that can endanger other people and other animals.

And it’s also unfair to others who respect the rules and (reluctantly) leave their pets at home. This is part of the responsibility of owning a pet.

If everyone took pets everywhere, more animals would fight, poop, and people with allergies would sneeze.

Many facilities are pet-friendly. But there are also many places where it is better to stay at home.

– Animal rubber

Dear Animal Lovers:

I truly believe that all the pets we love are emotional support animals, but having a love for companion animals doesn’t mean you can take them anywhere.

We are pleased to publish this public service announcement.

The zoo you are volunteering for complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This law stipulates: “A person with a disability who accompanies a service animal shall not be required to submit disability paperwork, answer disability questions, or answer disability questions.” increase. ”

I believe this directive also applies to the broader category of “emotional support” animals.

Dear Amy:

A new friend helped me when I got sick while moving. I really appreciate her help.

She decided that I could return the favor by watching over her old cat for a few days.

I said, of course, I could go over to her house and feed her, give her water, and check on her.

But she said to me, “No, I’m going to keep her cat at home, so I’m going to keep him.”

This puts my own health at risk. I explained that besides cat fur, cat feces would trigger my allergies.

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