Home Medicine “Miracle drug” grows hair, heals prostate, and boosts heart health • Earth.com

“Miracle drug” grows hair, heals prostate, and boosts heart health • Earth.com

by Universalwellnesssystems

The drug finasteride is widely known for its use in treating male pattern baldness and enlarged prostates, and may improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. This has been confirmed. This discovery adds a surprising new dimension to the drug’s known benefits.

This exciting research University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign highlights the findings. National Health and Nutrition Survey It was conducted from 2009 to 2016.

Beyond the hair: Finasteride’s potential to protect the heart

Previous studies have shown that men who take finasteride have significantly lower cholesterol levels than men who don’t take it.

Further experiments in mice confirmed these findings, showing reductions in plasma cholesterol, slowed progression of atherosclerosis, and decreased liver inflammation, among other positive results.

Jaume Amenguallead author of the study and assistant professor Faculty of Food Science and Department of Human Nutrition A professor in the School of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences expressed surprise at the results.

“When we looked at men who took finasteride in a study, their cholesterol levels were, on average, 30 points lower than men who weren’t taking finasteride. I was expecting to see the opposite pattern, so I was very surprised. “It was interesting,” he said.

Overcoming the limitations of finasteride research

However, this study faced limitations due to its observational nature and small sample size of men aged 50 and older who reported finasteride use.

Despite these challenges, this finding prompted further investigation into the drug’s effects on mice, with the aim of understanding the mechanisms behind these observations.

“This wasn’t a clinical study where we had perfect control over everything,” Amengual said. “It was more of an observation that led us to say, ‘Okay, now people are seeing this.’ Let’s see what happens in mice. ”

Amengual’s curiosity about finasteride stemmed from its mechanism of action, which blocks a protein that activates testosterone, a hormone suspected of playing a role in atherosclerosis.

finasteride, testosterone, and heart health

This link between testosterone and cardiovascular disease led the research team to investigate the potential effects of finasteride beyond hair loss and prostate health.

“One day I was reading about this drug and started to realize that there weren’t many long-term studies on the effects of this drug. At first, I thought hormone levels were linked to atherosclerosis, hair loss, and prostate cancer. It was just my own curiosity based on the fact that it is known to have an impact on the issue,” Amengual said. “So we decided to dig into it.”

Donald Molina Chavez, a PhD student collaborating with Amengual, conducted experiments on mice that are prone to atherosclerosis. The mice were given various doses of finasteride along with a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet.

“Mice given high doses of finasteride had lower cholesterol levels not only in their arteries but also in their plasma,” Molina Chavez said. “Lipids and inflammatory markers in the liver were also reduced.”

Although the highest doses tested showed significant reductions in cholesterol levels and liver inflammatory markers, Amengual points out that such doses are impractical for human use.

“It’s an incredibly high level of the drug. But we’re using mice as a model, and they’re very resistant to things that would kill us,” he said. I did. “If you think about it that way, it’s not that wild.”

Transgender health effects

The implications of this research extend beyond men with hair loss and prostate problems. Dr. Amengual points to the potential benefits of finasteride for transgender individuals undergoing hormonal transition who are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

This finding suggests that finasteride may offer prevention to a broader population, including the transgender community.

However, Dr. Amengual cautions that finasteride, like any drug, comes with risks and emphasizes the importance of seeking individual advice from your health care provider.

Over the past decade, doctors have begun prescribing this drug for people transitioning from male to female or from female to male. In both cases, hormonal changes can cause hair loss,” he said.

“What’s interesting is that transgender people are also at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, this drug may have a potential beneficial effect in preventing cardiovascular disease not only in cis men but also in transgender people.” there is.”

This study opens the door to further research, including the possibility of clinical trials testing finasteride’s cholesterol-lowering effects.

As the medical community continues to explore this unexpected benefit, finasteride stands out not only as a treatment for common men’s health problems, but also as a promising ally in the fight against heart disease and circulatory disease.

The future of finasteride: hair, prostate and heart health

In summary, this interesting study reveals surprising new aspects of finasteride, a substance traditionally used to treat male pattern baldness and enlarged prostate, and already referred to as a “miracle” drug by many. I made it.

This study opens up exciting new possibilities for the application of finasteride in healthcare by demonstrating its potential to significantly lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Beyond its established uses, finasteride may now be considered a viable option for heart disease prevention, and is recommended for men suffering from hair loss and prostate problems, as well as those at risk for heart-related health problems. It also brings hope to the transgender community, which is facing rising tides. .

This discovery paves the way for further research and clinical trials and highlights the importance of reevaluating existing medicines for new and beneficial uses.

The entire research is lipid research journal.


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