Home Nutrition Mindful eating: Focus more on foods you should include than to exclude

Mindful eating: Focus more on foods you should include than to exclude

by Universalwellnesssystems

What to eat and what to avoid to reach your health goals? Mindful eating is the key to being healthy and fit.

The first thing we do when trying to reach our health goals is to eliminate certain foods from our diet. We all know the fact that the decision to consume less is good for you. That’s true, but the key to maintaining a happy attitude and healthy connection with food is to focus on what you add to your plate rather than what you completely banish from your life.

Here’s what you need to add to your diet to promote good health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and keep it interesting with a variety of flavors and textures. Since you have cells that nourish and nourish you, it is imperative that you focus on eating a variety of nutritious foods.

Eating mindfully is important for your health

It is recommended that you eat a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups. The five food groups are:

  • fruit
  • vegetable
  • Protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds
  • Mainly whole grains or high-fiber grains, legumes, legumes
  • Dairy products including low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese or alternatives
Focus on foods that should be included, not foods that should be excluded. Image courtesy of Shutterstock

We recommend consuming a varied, balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from each of the five food groups in recommended serving sizes each day. It’s important to choose a variety of foods from each food group, as they provide a variety of nutrients.

Foods to avoid eating to reach your health goals

Some of the foods frequently consumed in modern diets do not fit into any of the five food groups. These foods are classified as junk optional or occasional foods and can be enjoyed from time to time but should not be a regular part of a balanced diet. Excessive amounts of saturated fat , contain added sugar, added salt, or alcohol, as well as insufficient amounts of important nutrients such as fiber.

These foods and drinks can also be too high in calories. Regularly consuming more calories than your body needs leads to weight gain.

The wrong way to eat is the cause of gaining weight!Image credit: Shutterstock

Examples of occasional foods include:

  • Sweet biscuits, cakes, desserts and pastries
  • Processed meats, fatty and salty sausages
  • Fast food such as hamburgers and pizza
  • alcoholic beverage
  • Ice cream, other confectionery and chocolate
  • Commercially fried foods such as potato chips, potato chips, and other greasy and salty snacks
  • food containing biscuits
  • Creams, butters and spreads high in saturated fat
  • Sugar-sweetened soft drinks and energy drinks

It’s okay to eat these foods occasionally as a snack. However, eating these foods frequently can increase your risk of obesity and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

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