Home Fitness Millions of Americans are at risk of a stroke from intense exercise • Earth.com

Millions of Americans are at risk of a stroke from intense exercise • Earth.com

by Universalwellnesssystems

A recent study suggests that about 16.5 million Americans may be at increased risk of stroke due to strenuous exercise. At risk are those living with a condition known as carotid artery stenosis, which affects approximately 5 percent of the adult population in the United States.

Carotid stenosis is a disease characterized by the buildup of plaque within the carotid artery. The carotid artery is an important blood vessel that runs through the neck and is responsible for carrying oxygen and essential nutrients to the brain and parts of the face. Plaque buildup can narrow these arteries and impair their function.

Surprisingly, regular physical activity such as brisk walking, swimming, and high-energy exercise can pose a significant threat to these people. Strenuous exercise can dislodge plaque in major arteries, researchers say, which can then travel to the brain and block blood vessels, causing a stroke.

5% of Americans are at risk

The prevalence of carotid artery stenosis has increased dramatically over the past two decades. Data from the early 2000s suggest that about 2 million Americans suffer from this condition. But that number has soared to about 16.5 million, or about 5 percent of all adults in the country, according to recent figures from the Cleveland Clinic.

Risk factors for carotid artery stenosis include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes and smoking. Therefore, those affected may need to reconsider the intensity of their daily training to reduce their risk of having a stroke.

How the research was conducted

A groundbreaking study recently published in a journal fluid physics, was conducted by constructing a computer simulation of the carotid artery. Three different carotid arteries were modeled, representing healthy arteries, 30% “mildly” occluded and 50% “severely” occluded.

Each model was then given different heart rates corresponding to different levels of physical activity, including resting (67bpm), moderate exercise (100bpm), and vigorous exercise (140bpm). The latter heart rate can be achieved by activities such as brisk walking, cycling, or Zumba, especially for obese people.

What researchers found

The study found that exercise proved beneficial for the health of healthy or mildly occluded carotid arteries. However, for those with severe obstruction, the results were characterized as ‘concerning’.

Simulations demonstrated increased stress on severely occluded areas, increasing the risk of rupture and subsequent expulsion of plaque into the bloodstream. This removed plaque can travel to the brain and block blood vessels, causing a stroke.

“Intense exercise has a negative impact on patients with moderate or higher levels of stenosis,” explained Dr. Somnath Roy, a mechanical engineer at the Institute. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and lead author of this study. “Shear stress in the stenotic zone is greatly increased, which can lead to rupture of the stenosis.”

This destroyed plaque can reach the brain, cut off the blood supply and cause an ischemic stroke, Dr. Roy added.

The researchers found that strenuous exercise may improve cardiac performance in healthy people, but for patients with significant arterial occlusions, especially when extensive physical activity increases heart rate. revealed that it could lead to different results.

Risk of stroke doubles after exercise

Further supporting this finding, previous studies, such as the analysis of stroke patients in 2010 and a meta-analysis of 13,000 strokes in Europe in 2021, show a doubling of stroke risk after exercise. In these studies, acute anger, emotional agitation, and strenuous physical exertion are associated with an increased risk of stroke, primarily due to their effects on heart rate.

The results of this study show that different forms of stress can cause an increase in heart rate, including physical stress such as strenuous exercise and emotional stress such as intense anger and emotional agitation. increase. This increase can remove plaque, which can then cause a stroke.

Dr Andrew Smith, an epidemiologist at the National University of Ireland, Galway, sheds light on the complex relationship between these triggering events and stroke risk. “We believe that these triggering events may increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and cause hormonal changes that alter blood flow in vascular beds such as the brain, increasing the risk of stroke. ‘, he said today.

Nonetheless, Dr. Smith was quick to reassure me that not all stressful events directly cause stroke. “That said, not all anger, emotional agitation, and strenuous exercise cause stroke. Similarly, not everyone with high cardiovascular risk factors will have a stroke.”

These findings underscore the importance of understanding the individual and cumulative effects of various risk factors on the likelihood of stroke, especially in populations already at risk from conditions such as carotid artery stenosis. I’m here. The findings also highlight the need for an individualized approach to exercise, especially for those suffering from severe arterial occlusion.

This study adds further complexity to the balance between the benefits and potential risks of exercise for specific individuals, and fosters a nuanced conversation about how best to promote health and longevity.


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