Home Products Michigan dog owners relieved ‘mystery canine virus’ has been identified

Michigan dog owners relieved ‘mystery canine virus’ has been identified

by Universalwellnesssystems

At the end of a stressful week for dog owners, many were stunned when a mysterious dog disease identified in northern Michigan was confirmed to be parvovirus, a serious disease for which there is a vaccine. relieved.

Kari Beer, a critical care specialist at the Oakland Veterinary Referral Service in Bloomfield Hills, said as long as the dog gets regular care and vaccinations, it’s probably fine.

“The distemper combination vaccine is usually given as several boosters when the pet is a puppy, then repeated annually to every three years, depending on the dog’s age, and includes a parvovirus vaccine.

Khusheu Mistry adopted his dog Zar during the COVID-19 pandemic and took time to get an appointment during and after the shutdown, but he is fully vaccinated and is now fully vaccinated. feels okay about the parvovirus outbreak.

“I heard it on Monday and people were freaking out,” said Mistry, 27, of Detroit. “I think everyone was avoiding dog parks. I know I was. I still used it, but only if nobody was there just because they didn’t know what it was.”

Before the disease was identified as parvovirus, dog owners worried it was the beginning of a dog pandemic that sparked panic.

Kellen Collison's 2-year-old Border Collie Brody from Detroit.  The dog at Capital Park on Saturday, August 27 at his park.

Kellen Collison similarly avoided bringing Brody, a 2-year-old border collie, to the dog park, but wasn’t too surprised when the disease was identified as parvovirus.

“Looking at the symptoms, they were kind of consistent with parvo.

Parvovirus is spread by faecal-oral contamination, so if an unvaccinated or partially vaccinated dog is outdoors and comes into contact with other dogs or contaminated stool, there is a risk of infection, Beer said. This makes areas where dogs congregate, such as parks and accommodations, particularly at risk.

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