Home Mental Health Michael Clarke Confirms He Is Suffering From A Mental Disorder: ‘Felt The Deepest Of Sadness…’

Michael Clarke Confirms He Is Suffering From A Mental Disorder: ‘Felt The Deepest Of Sadness…’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Former Australia captain Michael Clarke has revealed that he suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clarke said that although he has not been formally diagnosed, it is not surprising. Clarke said that he has suffered from bouts of deep sadness in the past.

Michael Clarke (Source: Associated Press)

Former Australian captain Michael Clarke Clark revealed that she suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a mental illness that causes people to have recurring, unwanted thoughts or fears that lead to compulsive behavior, though she said she hasn’t been officially diagnosed with it.

“I’ve never been tested. I think it’s just a given,” Clark said on Monday’s Mental As Anyone podcast. “It’s like ADD, it’s just a given. Definitely ask your parents. You don’t have to take me to the doctor,” Clark added.

Clark backed up his claims by describing himself as a very clean and organised person – making sure his car had plenty of petrol and his daughter Kelsey Lee’s clothes were ready – and opened up about a period when he was going through deep mourning.

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