Home Mental Health Mental Healthcare an Important Part of Recovery from Turkey Quake

Mental Healthcare an Important Part of Recovery from Turkey Quake

by Universalwellnesssystems

The recent magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria has caused extensive physical destruction and loss of life in both countries. Health experts are now warning that the disaster will also wreak havoc on mental health.

Officials say the cold winter has killed tens of thousands and left more than 1.5 million homeless. Many have lost their families, their jobs and their hopes for the future.

Tugce Seren Gul’s aunt and grandmother were killed in Antakya, southeastern Turkey. Each night, she waits until 4:17 AM, the exact time when the disaster strikes, to go to sleep.

“I keep thinking that another disaster will strike at that time, and I’m just waiting for it to pass,” said Gal, 28. I ran away.

Gul said fear weighed heavily on the mental health of survivors who “lost everything” in the city of Antakya.

She hopes to one day seek professional mental health help to deal with her trauma. But for now, she’s establishing a new life for herself and her family.

children at risk

Experts fear children will be hit hardest. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) said many of her more than 5.4 million children living in areas affected by the earthquake were at risk of developing the disease. anxietydepression and other disorders.

“We know the importance of learning and learning. routine For the children and their recovery,” said UNICEF’s Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Afshan Khan after visiting Turkey.

FILE – With children during an activity to entertain and support the mental health of children affected by a deadly earthquake at a camp for survivors in Adiyaman, Turkey, February 18, 2023 Volunteers singing to (REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani/File Photo)

“They must be able to resume their education, and they urgently need ‘psychological’ support to cope trauma they experienced. “

Mehmet Sari is a government social support worker. He and other members of his team said the children showed signs of trauma.

They need long-term support to recover from trauma, he said.

Turkey’s Ministry of Family and Social Services said it had dispatched more than 3,700 social workers to help those affected by the earthquake.

“Chronic stress”

Ayse Bilge Selcuk, a psychologist and MEF University professor, said people in Turkey were already under pressure. She said rising poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic are hitting the country hard.

stress teeth Chronic” said Selcuk, which means tensions will continue over time. recoverwe have to find that strength within ourselves and it starts with our psychology,” she added.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to rebuild the homes within a year. But it will be many months before thousands of people can leave their temporary shelters.

people see paralysisIt’s likely a protective process to deal with stress, Selcuk says. Anxiety, helplessness, and depression are likely to be common, and young people may feel angry.

Selcuk said the rebuilding effort must include mental health. She asked the government to provide funds to train psychologists and send them to earthquake areas to stay there.

“You shouldn’t get attention after three months,” she said.

I’m Mario Ritter Jr.

Humeira Pamuk and Timur Azari I reported this story for Reuters. Mario Ritter Jr. adapted it for VOA Learning English.


the words of this story

Psychological –adj. relating to the study or treatment of the heart

anxiety –v. Fear or tension about the future

routine –n. something that is done daily or very regularly

resume –v. redo or go back

trauma –n. Experiences that cause injury or extreme shocks that cause long-term harm

stress –n. A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes physical or mental tension and may contribute to some diseases

Chronic –adj. continue for a long time or occur over and over again

back to (your) feet – idiom to be healthy again after a period of illness

paralysis –adj. Lack of Emotion: Indifference


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