Home Mental Health Mental healthcare a critical problem in Southern Nevada, officials say

Mental healthcare a critical problem in Southern Nevada, officials say

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ozzie Mora and Justin Walker

7 hours ago

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Experts say the lack of access to behavioral health services in Nevada is a significant problem, but they say a new plan is expected to improve the situation. ing.

It took Cassandra Buacca two years to get her teenage son the care he needed, a journey filled with “no,” “I can’t,” and “you have to make an appointment.” He said it was sprinkled with.

“My child suffered from severe depression with recurrent psychosis,” Buacca said, adding that her son’s condition worsened and he was hospitalized. “It’s very difficult to wrap your head around mental illness because your child is suffering.”

according to mental health americaIn 2023, Nevada ranked 39th in the nation for access to mental health care and 51st for youth mental health, with Nevada youth having a high prevalence of mental illness and a low rate of access to care. It shows that it is low.

Buacca said she wasn’t surprised by the ranking, adding that people of all ages struggle to find behavioral health providers.of Silver State Health Improvement PlanThe document, which focuses on the need for health care improvements in the region, says the state needs 424 additional mental health workers and 1,714 substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors.

Additionally, experts say some insurers are refusing to contract with them, saying reimbursement rates are too low and it’s unsustainable to keep their doors open.

The average cost of mental health treatment in Nevada is $140 per session without insurance, according to Mira, a company that provides health insurance alternatives.

Officials say the Silver State Health Improvement Plan aims to help parents like Buacca and highlights bills and initiatives aimed at increasing and retaining behavioral health professionals in the region. He said he is doing so. Additionally, it aims to improve Nevada’s pipeline of behavioral health workers by expanding loan repayment options and extending teleheath requirements.

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