Home Fitness Menopause weight loss: Low-impact movement can help women lose weight and tone up

Menopause weight loss: Low-impact movement can help women lose weight and tone up

by Universalwellnesssystems

Menopause usually occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55 and lasts for 7 to 14 years.

During this time, many women will notice the number on the scale going up, even though they haven’t changed what they eat or how much they exercise.

This is because your body’s metabolism, which burns calories and fat, naturally begins to slow down.

Joy Puleo, Balanced Body education director, told GB News that women may need to adjust their lifestyle and exercise routines to shed the excess weight.

Yoga helps burn fat and build muscle during menopause


While it may be tempting to dramatically increase the intensity and duration of your exercise in order to burn fat, Joy explained that even gentle, “mindful” exercise like pilates or yoga can be enough to boost results.

She said: “Pilates, especially on a machine like the Reformer, is a great way to build both strength and mindfulness.”

“Mindfulness-based exercise, which also includes yoga and tai chi, helps improve overall well-being and provides a safe, effective, low-impact workout that targets all major muscle groups, as well as strengthens the intrinsic muscles that support posture, spine and joint health.”

Opting for such workouts can also improve other health concerns by strengthening the body and helping women age healthily overall, she explained.

Joy adds: “These activities are essential for healthy aging, aging thoughtfully and creating movement patterns that lead to longevity of health and an independent lifestyle.”

Exercise is helpful for general health and weight loss at this stage of life, and experts suggest that women should work on their balance, as it deteriorates with age.

“Balance also changes starting around age 30, but the changes accelerate as we get older, so adding balance and coordination challenges is really helpful and important,” she said.

“Maintaining balance and coordination requires the nervous system to adapt and make quick decisions. This training is essential because adapting to a changing environment is crucial for long-term health and well-being.”

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Couple taking a walk

Any extra exercise, including walking, can help burn fat.


If you want more fat-burning exercise tips, Joy says the key is basically to incorporate more movement, whenever and however you can.

She concludes: “One of the main reasons people stop leading an active lifestyle as they get older is because they don’t think it will make a big difference to their lives.”

“Every step counts – every opportunity to be active, to exercise, to spend an hour on the floor with your grandchildren, to garden, to dance – everything counts. So move, move often and enjoy moving.”

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