Home Nutrition Menopause weight loss: 3 foods to ‘avoid’ or risk ‘excess fat being stored’ – meal plan

Menopause weight loss: 3 foods to ‘avoid’ or risk ‘excess fat being stored’ – meal plan

by Universalwellnesssystems

Menopause can often feel like a hormonal roller coaster, with many women experiencing symptoms like hair loss, anxiety and brain fog. Jackie Lynch, registered nutritional therapist and author of The Happy Menopause, gives an example meal plan and 3 foods to avoid eating. revealed – toast toppings such as marmite, honey, some flavors of soup, and white starchy carbohydrates.

Jackie says:

“Weight gain during menopause can be a problem, but now is not the time to follow a low-fat diet because the body uses fat to produce hormones that are often depleted during menopause.”

To keep your blood sugar stable, your energy levels up, and your hormones in balance, you need to fine-tune the components of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

An “optimal menopausal diet plan” consists of balancing the main food groups: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

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“The body uses carbohydrates as its primary form of energy, [so] If you don’t exercise enough or don’t exercise, the excess is stored as fat. “

However, carbohydrates should be consumed in manageable portions.

Brown rice bread, whole grain rice, and pasta are good choices. “Because your body burns these types of carbohydrates slowly, you’re less likely to experience spikes in blood sugar and more likely to have healthy digestion,” the expert added.

Jackie suggested eating protein with every meal.

For breakfast, and for those who usually opt for toast, I recommend opting for whole grains and “avoid marmite and honey.” Instead, choose toppings such as unsweetened nut butter, eggs, and cottage cheese.

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Cereal lovers should “replace store-bought muesli with two tablespoons of chopped nuts and seeds,” Jack said.

Her “favorite ingredient” to add to smoothies and muesli is flaxseed, as it’s rich in protein and fiber and a good source of omega-3s.

“Flaxseed also contains phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic the actions of estrogen in the body. the expert said. fit and well.

If you choose a salad for lunch, “aim for a fist-sized serving of protein, such as chicken breast, salmon steak, or quinoa,” said Jackie. .

For those who prefer soup for lunch, Jackie suggests opting for “chicken and vegetables or lentils” because tomatoes, carrots and cilantro don’t provide “enough protein.”

As for dinner, Jack suggests “dividing the plate into four.”

Starchy carbohydrates should be equal to or less than the protein portion.

The next quarter should consist of leafy greens such as spinach, arugula, kale, broccoli and watercress, and the final portion of the plate should contain extra micronutrients such as tomatoes, cauliflower and mushrooms. .

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