Home Fitness Melbourne mom shows off incredible almost 40 pound weight loss

Melbourne mom shows off incredible almost 40 pound weight loss

by Universalwellnesssystems

After undergoing an incredible physical transformation, the mum looks 10 years younger.

Amanda Presta, 40, from Melbourne, said she had struggled with weight for most of her life and always felt heavier than her peers throughout her childhood and teenage years.

Although she had never been obese, she felt uncomfortable and unwell after her weight reached 80kg. [about 176 lbs] Comes with a size 16 frame.

A marketing and communications manager, she was also struggling with some complex health issues that significantly impacted her overall wellbeing.

Although Amanda was not obese, she felt uncomfortable and unwell after her weight reached 80kg. [about 176 lbs]. Amanda Presta

But after an incredible physical transformation, she has now lost 18kg and feels healthier than ever. [about 40 lbs] The dress is available in three sizes.

Amanda now weighs 62kg and is said to look at least 10 years younger. [about 137 lbs]size 8 frame.

“I had some poor habits growing up and ate a lot of high calorie food,” the mum-of-two told news.com.au.

Amanda now weighs 62kg and is said to look at least 10 years younger. [about 137 lbs]size 8 frame. Amanda Presta

“Since I was a child, I struggled with my size and suffered from chronic illnesses.”

“Before I had children, I was always self-conscious and carried a lot more weight than I felt was acceptable.

“Though I managed to lose weight before my marriage in 2010, I fell into bad eating habits and wasn’t exercising much due to my office job.

“I managed to lose weight before my wedding in 2010 but fell into bad eating habits and wasn’t exercising much because of my office job,” Amanda says. Amanda Presta

“I love sweets and I always eat too many sweets.”

First, Amanda changed her diet and began focusing on a balanced diet, especially eating 100 grams of protein per day.

She also increased her fluid intake while eating plenty of fiber for optimal digestion.

Amanda changed her diet and began eating a balanced diet with an emphasis on consuming 100 grams of protein throughout the day. Amanda Presta

But the mum’s “secret weapon” is that she has started lifting weights and doing regular strength training with personal trainer Nikki Ellis. Cinch StudioAccording to her, this diet has completely transformed her body.

This action inspired Amanda to decide to become a personal trainer and now encourages and supports others on their health and fitness journey.

“It was only after I had my second baby that I had this strong feeling of, ‘OK, let’s give it a go,'” she explained.

Amanda has also become a personal trainer herself and now encourages and supports others on their health and fitness journey. Amanda Presta

“That’s when I started a home training program and lost a lot of weight. I lost weight, but I didn’t feel stronger or look toned.

“I decided to join Nikki Ellis and it completely changed my physique and more importantly how I felt about myself.

“There’s something magical about having a group of women training together. I loved it so much that I trained to be a personal trainer myself.”

“Nikki inspired me to be the best version of myself, and now I’m helping other women do the same.”

Amanda says she looks and feels over 10 years younger since her transformation, with many people believing she is actually in her 20s.

“I definitely feel rejuvenated now,” she said.

“There’s something magical about women training together in a group and I loved it so much that I trained to be a personal trainer myself,” Amanda says. Amanda Presta

“I’ve put a lot of effort into my health, nutrition and fitness and it’s paid off. People think I look at least 10 years younger than my age.”

“I turned 40 this year and feel better than I did in my 20s.

“I feel confident, strong and capable and I continue to beat my personal best every year.

“Most importantly, I’m setting an example for my two daughters of how important it is to consistently exercise, to get really strong, and to exercise with an amazing group of women who support each other.”

Amanda suffered from severe pain throughout her teenage years which she later discovered was endometriosis, a condition in which the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.

This condition is often overlooked or misdiagnosed.

To ease the pain, her doctor recommended she take birth control pills, but this only created more problems.

Three months after starting the pill, just before her 18th birthday, Amanda developed extensive deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in her left leg.

This was unusual, so we ran some tests and discovered she had three major blood clotting disorders: lupus anticoagulant, antiphospholipid syndrome, and a prothrombin gene mutation.

She was told she would need to take anticoagulants for the rest of her life, but after losing weight and checking her health, she was able to stop taking the medication – a feat that even amazed her doctors.

“I’m setting an example for my two daughters of how important it is to exercise consistently, to get really strong and to exercise with an amazing group of women who support each other,” Amanda said. Amanda Presta

“As a teenager, I would spend many nights in hospital taking morphine to endure the pain because my endometriosis went undiagnosed,” she said.

“When I was in class 12, my doctor suggested I take birth control pills for pain management until I finished my studies.

“Three months later, I developed a DVT in my left leg, which started at my ankle and spread to 11cm. [about 4.3 inches] It’s above the knee.

“I was then diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder and was prescribed anticoagulants which I had to take for the rest of my life.

“But once I lost the weight and started strength training, I was able to get off the medication permanently. My doctors had never seen anything like this.”

“This is one of the most important parts of my transformation. It’s all about health.”

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