Home Medicine Medicines and Sex: Not Always a Good Mix

Medicines and Sex: Not Always a Good Mix

by Universalwellnesssystems

For both men and women, moving from arousal to a satisfying orgasm requires a complex series of events. it won’t work. Unfortunately, many things can break the chain. For example, pills in the medicine cabinet.

Because drugs often work by altering blood flow and brain chemistry, they can affect sexual function, which is not always good. , can delay or prevent orgasm altogether. Medications are also a leading cause of erectile dysfunction in men.

If you notice a decrease in your ability to have or enjoy sex, talk to your doctor about possible causes. Be sure to bring a list of all medications you take. It is enough to change the drug or dose. However, do not stop taking prescription drugs or change dosages on your own. Your doctor can help you determine if the drugs you are taking are causing problems and help you safely switch to another drug.

What drugs can affect sexual function?

You may have noticed that TV ads for common antidepressants such as SSRIs (antidepressants) Paxil (paroxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) mention “certain sexual side effects.” The full story is that for some people, SSRI antidepressants can put desire on hold and make it difficult to achieve orgasm. A recent study of about 600 men and women found that about 1 in 6 patients reported new sexual problems. Complaint number one? Delayed or absent orgasm. Many patients also reported decreased cravings. Overall, men were more likely than women to report sexual problems while using SSRIs.

Other studies have found that up to half of patients taking SSRIs reported sexual problems, as reported in The American Family Physician. Research results vary depending on the patients studied and the questions asked, but the ultimate message is the same. Sexual side effects caused by SSRIs are common.

Talk to your doctor if an SSRI is affecting your sex life. As reported in current psychiatric reports, there are several options to get you back on track. A switch to an antidepressant may be suggested. If your current medicine is working well and you don’t want to change it, your doctor may want you to reduce your dose or stop taking it. Some studies have found that men who develop erectile dysfunction while taking SSRIs may respond to adding Viagra (Sildenafil), Cialis (Tadalafil), or Levitra (Vardenafil) to their overall treatment regimen. is suggested.

blood pressure medicine

Many drugs that control high blood pressure, such as commonly prescribed diuretics and beta-blockers, can also put a brake on a person’s sex life. This drug can cause erectile dysfunction in men and can reduce sexual desire when taken by women.

In many cases, the best way to overcome sexual problems caused by blood pressure medications is simply to change your prescription. ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers are less likely to cause sexual side effects than diuretics and beta-blockers.

Keep in mind that not all blood pressure medications are suitable for everyone. Your doctor can help determine if another prescription is the best option for you and can recommend the right prescription for your particular situation.

Opioid pain relievers Opioids, such as morphine and OxyContin (oxycodone), do more than just relieve pain. As an unfortunate side effect, these drugs can also reduce the production of testosterone and other hormones that help drive sexual desire in both men and women.

Sexual side effects of opioids have not been well investigated, but preliminary studies have produced disappointing results. As reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, a study of 73 men and women receiving spinal opioid injections revealed widespread sexual problems. Ninety-five percent of men and her 68% of women reported decreased libido, and all of the premenopausal women developed irregular periods or stopped menstruation altogether.

If you think opioids may be interfering with your sex life, ask your doctor if non-opioid drugs can provide similar pain relief. You don’t have to quit opioids completely, but you can get your energy back just by cutting back. Your doctor may be able to suggest other pain relief methods, such as massage or biofeedback, that can help you reduce your opioid dose. If a blood test reveals low testosterone, your doctor may want to prescribe testosterone injections or patches to rekindle your libido.


Even some over-the-counter medications can affect your sex life. Antihistamines are a prime example. These drugs can cause erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems in men, according to a report from the Cleveland Clinic. In women, antihistamines can cause vaginal dryness.

This is a partial list. Other drugs that can affect a person’s sex life include oral contraceptives, tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, and cholesterol medications. You and your doctor should take sexual side effects seriously, but you should be able to find ways to restore your sexual ability and desire without compromising treatment.


Cleveland Clinic. Drugs that affect sexual function.

National Cancer Institute. Pharmacological effects of supportive care drugs on sexual function.

Llisterri LJ et al. Sexual dysfunction in hypertensive patients treated with losartan. American Journal of Medicine and Science; 321(5): 336-341.

Fogari R and A Zoppi. Effects of antihypertensive therapy on sexual activity in hypertensive men. Current Hypertension Report; 4(3): 202-210.

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Variables affecting female sexual function.

Phillips RJ and JR Slaughter. Depression and Libido. American Family Physician.

Abs R et al. Endocrine effects of long-term intrathecal administration of opioids. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; 85(6): 2215-2222.

Taylor MJ. Strategies for managing antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction: a review. Current Psychiatry Reports; 8(6): 431-436.

Keller AA, et al. Sexual dysfunction and its treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: A large retrospective study of 596 psychiatric outpatients. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy; ;23(3):165-75.

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