Home Mental Health Medicare Advantage saved my life | Opinion

Medicare Advantage saved my life | Opinion

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dorothy McClure

Over the last few years there has been a lot of uncertainty in the world and as a result many of us have had to make many difficult and personal choices. For one, I chose a health care plan that allowed me to focus on fighting cancer and staying healthy without adding to my stress.

My Medicare Advantage Plan keeps my out-of-pocket costs low and provides me with a strong network of doctors so I can find the treatment plan that best fits my diagnosis. was over $900,000, but now the bill is $10,000 thanks to Medicare Advantage.

Cancer patients suffer not only from physical pain, but also from mental health issues before, during and after treatment. Cancer patients cite increased feelings of depression, anxiety, and other emotional stress, which can wreak havoc on family, social, and work lives.

Most Medicare Advantage plans help their members’ mental health by offering supplemental benefits such as talk therapy, wellness programs, and a variety of other counseling services. It is important for all cancer patients and cancer survivors to take care of their mental health as much as their physical health. So having access to proper mental health care can make a big difference. Studies have even shown that mental health treatments can improve survival and quality of life.

Medicare Advantage is a great example of a public-private partnership that provides high-quality, affordable care for older adults and people with disabilities.

Medicare Advantage not only offers supplemental wellness benefits, but it also has excellent coverage for preventive screening, so illnesses can be caught early and treated quickly. Whether it’s a mammogram or a blood pressure test, the plan includes access to a variety of tests for registrants to get a complete picture of their health.

For seniors like me living on a fixed income, this is life-changing coverage. Medicare Advantage is a great example of a public-private partnership that provides high-quality, affordable care for older adults and people with disabilities. Program funds should be protected at all costs for her more than 30 million Americans who depend on the program for their health care.

I hope policymakers hear stories like mine and encourage them to support effective and popular programs, including Medicare Advantage.

Dorothy McClure was born in 1944 in Auckland, New Zealand. In 2017, she became Director of the Wellington Senior Centre. In December she was diagnosed with breast cancer and over the next 15 months she underwent treatments including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. She is now cancer-free. She keeps busy with the lives and activities of her 11-year-old granddaughter, senior center activities, her weekly card game with her friends, and house and garden maintenance. She wrote this article for her newsline in Colorado, Pennsylvania, her Capital Star sibling site. where it first appeared.

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