Home Mental Health ‘Maybe things would be different’: BC United calls for Mental Health Act changes

‘Maybe things would be different’: BC United calls for Mental Health Act changes

by Universalwellnesssystems

BC United is introducing new legislation to improve communication between families whose loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis and their health care professionals.

The Mental Health Amendment Act will require medical teams to consult families when certifying patients under the Mental Health Act and to notify families before a patient is discharged from hospital.

This bill was inspired by families who lost a loved one.

They say more sharing of information could have saved lives.

“If we had been notified, if the medical staff had approached us as a family, James might still be alive today,” Alex Puzder, who lost his brother to suicide, told Global News. Ta.

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“If they had been able to have a conversation with us, if they had been able to listen to our side of things, maybe things would have been different.”

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Eleanor Sturko, mental health, addiction and recovery critic for BC United, which introduced the bill, said families and loved ones know people best in crisis.

“They have a lifetime of experience in knowing people in crisis. They have a wealth of information they can provide to help their loved one’s care team, and they want to help.” ” she said.

The state government said it is reviewing the law, addressing concerns about existing family notification guidelines.

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