Home Fitness Matt Heath: Exercise and rhyming is all about the timing

Matt Heath: Exercise and rhyming is all about the timing

by Universalwellnesssystems


What is Limetime Fitness? The exercise rhymes with time. With the busy life of 2023, finding time for formal training can be difficult. Luckily, there are exercises you can do anywhere. Allocate time, rhyme to help you remember what to do, and just do it.

RTF is not meant to replace large formal practice sessions. Just make sure you do a few small things every day to make your body a little stronger. RTF seems to work for me – my bread is getting pretty tight – but I should mention that it’s all made by me and my buddies Jerry, Mash, and Big Saw. I have. No experts involved, no peer-reviewed programs, no research done, and my degree is in moral philosophy – so I know nothing. With that in mind, why not bring Limetime Fitness into your workplace today?

7:44 Pelvic floor. You can do Kegels at home, in your car, at your desk, wherever you are. Simply squeeze the muscle you use to stop the flow of urine, hold for 5 seconds and release. Repeat this cycle 15 times. It’s a simple way to support your bladder and bowel while improving all-important sexual function. 7:44 pelvic floor muscles that are easy to remember and easy to perform. Do it yourself or recruit others. Everyone on my team squeezes their urethra in unison and loves it.

10 o’clock squat. Work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core all at once with this slightly humiliating exercise. Yoga squats improve balance and hormone production while burning calories. Also known as Wreath Pose, squat low with your feet flat on the ground and your hands in front of your chest in prayer. Open your knees wider than your torso. Lower your heels, point your toes out, sniff, and gaze forward as you press your elbows into your inner thighs. Hold it for as long as possible. If people at work smirk or wonder why you’re feeling down or slouched, invite them to join in too. It’s less embarrassing if other people are involved.

Y-san and T-san at 12:03. A little strength training before lunch. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides. Then raise your arms straight in front of you with your palms facing down like a zombie. Hold this “I” position for 10 counts, then move to the “Y” position with your arms spread sideways on the same plane at his 45 degree angle. Hold that position at the same time, then move into a “T” position with your arms outstretched to the sides perpendicular to your body. Hold that “T” position and bring your arms back to your sides and repeat this process 10 times. If it’s too easy, make it harder with two of her books, a chair, a ream, whatever you can get your hands on.

Two O’clock Butt. Tone and shape your butt while sitting at your desk. Squeeze your glutes as tight as you can and hold that powerful clench for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat 10 times. Be careful not to make eye contact with other people in the office when doing this sexy butt workout. Your facial expressions can make your pants look dirty or worse.

Kick at 3:36. This is also a clever little exercise with plenty of potential for secrecy. Sit in a chair as tall as you can, with your feet flat on the floor and your abdominal muscles tight. Extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Leave it there for 10 seconds. Then lower her down as slowly as possible. After 10 repetitions, switch her legs. easy.

Rhyme Time Fitness is a new initiative started by myself and three colleagues last week. This is clearly more rhyme than science, but there’s a reason for that. Some exercise is better than nothing. RTFs are five easy-to-remember activities that strengthen each area of ​​your body over time.why not give 7:44 pelvic floor, 10 o’clock squat, 12:03 Y and T, 2 o’clock hips and the 3:36 kick Will you go every day for the rest of your life?

If you’re looking to join in the fun, Matt and Jerry’s Breakfast Show in Hauraki does a 7:44 pelvic floor workout every morning. Knowing that tens of thousands of kiwis all over the country have their urethra squeezed at the same time, urinary squeezing really becomes a topic of conversation. Thoroughly recommended.

or follow the show spotify, apple Or anywhere you can get a podcast.

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