Home Fitness Mark Wahlberg Shares His 4 AM Schedule Ahead of F45 Workouts

Mark Wahlberg Shares His 4 AM Schedule Ahead of F45 Workouts

by Universalwellnesssystems

no little pain You can turn off Mark Wahlberg’s legendary 4am workout energy.

“Even though my neck is stiff and sore today, I was still there for about an hour and 15 minutes,” said the Oscar-nominated actor. men’s healthThe day before, he had tweaked his neck on the golf course and was still up until dawn for one of his now signature “4 a.m. club” training sessions. The day before, he ran a group of early risers of his buddies into a hellish sit-up sequence before dawn.

“Abwheels, leg raises, Superman on the TRX, it was all pretty fast paced,” he said of the session.in the video he posted on Instagram Wahlberg then called this crew the “A Team”.

What’s the stellar key to feeling bad before 5am?

“Guys, the big secret is to go to bed early,” he says. “I have a wife and her four children. Between prayer time and script reading and doing all the things that need to be done…I would also like to incorporate golf and other ‘me time’ activities.” If you have to get up before everyone else. “

Between the 2:30 a.m. alarm and the early bedtime, Wahlberg packs in a tremendous amount of activity. Long sessions of prayer and fasting, videos and events introducing his own tequila brand, reshoots for his next film, Awagai from Jerseywith Halle Berry on F45 gym chain.

With F45 investor Wahlberg I am currently the company’s Chief Brand Officer.is spearheading “Wahlberg Week,” a seven-pack of free workouts co-programmed with trainer Gunnar Peterson, with a title inspired by the actor’s life.There is a “Swagger” like his character shooterand a nod to “southpaw” fighter.

The actor offers tips for starting his own 4 a.m. crew after sunrise, talks about how his training has changed over the decades, and discusses his performance at Wahlberg Week. I took the time to share one of my favorite challenges.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

If MH Readers want to join the 4am crew, what’s the secret? What’s the trick to getting up early?

One day, remove the Band-Aid. Set an alarm and don’t hit the snooze button. By the time you exercise, eat and carry on for the rest of the day. After 15 to 16 hours a day, I’m pretty tired. So even if you go to bed early at night, you can still go ahead with your schedule. You get eight hours, but you get up early enough to get into the 4am club.

I have a wife and four children, so I started very early. During prayer time, script reading, and doing whatever you have to do (especially if you play golf or incorporate “me time” activities), you have to get up earlier than everyone else. yeah.

Some people prefer to work out at night, but I’m always busy and on the road, so I don’t have the energy to do anything at night. By the time I get home and have dinner, I’m ready to crash.

You were fasting all through Lent. Now that Lent is over, will you continue with that regimen?

Intermittent fasting really worked for me and helped me stay slim.I was eating 8 small meals a day. [plan]— You have to do three times as much hard work as aerobic exercise. And I certainly wasn’t digesting all the food and protein I was consuming. I used to go to the gym only five days a week.

Eat your first meal at noon, another at 3pm, and another before 6pm. And that’s it.but [during Lent] I fasted for 24 hours. I did it for 48 hours and was pretty quick and lean for a long time.

Was this one of the biggest changes in training over the last few years?

absolutely. I mean, I was too stubborn to listen to anyone. i thought i figured it all out. I had the old bodybuilder mentality of eating small meals every two hours. So I had intestinal issues and such. With the fast, I had more energy. I lost weight faster. It’s not for everyone, but it certainly works for me.

Has fasting helped you land a job? Has your recent training helped you?

yes it’s a movie with me and halle berry Awagai from JerseyIt’s like a blue-collar version of James Bond. This is a secret agent and a guy who rushes into all the worlds. He’s just a guy who will do anything to impress his high school sweetheart. It’s a lot of fun, but I had to tighten up and get into fighting shape.

immediately started this movie Father StuSo I was putting all my weight on [for that role]It was quite a challenge. It was easier for me to lose weight than gain it. But I just wanted to be as slim as possible. And once he started fasting, it actually became much easier: from 15 percent body fat he went into the single digits and still managed to build lean muscle.

As you move into your 40s and 50s, have there been any changes in how you train?

Especially when you get older, you want to move your body. Any kind of dynamic movement or exercise has been a game changer for me. Instead of being on any kind of stationary equipment…it’s movement, lateral movement.

they are the most important. Riding an exercise bike is good for bodybuilding, sculpting, shaping and all. But getting out there and doing a lot of lunges and stuff like that is what keeps me going.

Next week is “Walberg week” on F45. Are there challenges from signature workouts that you really enjoy?

Pull-ups: Perform slow, systematic pull-ups for 40 seconds, doing as many pull-ups as possible.

Anyone who has done the F45 knows that any part of the workout can be challenged at any time. just push yourself. … [And during Wahlberg week,] There is a little something each day for different body parts to make themselves a little stronger.

Wahlberg Week runs Monday, April 17th through Sunday, April 23rd. Location of F45.

Greg Presto is a fitness and sports reporter and videographer from Washington, DC.

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