Home Nutrition Mango shake or banana shake, which is better as per Ayurveda? | Health

Mango shake or banana shake, which is better as per Ayurveda? | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Summer is the season for juices, shakes and smoothies. These are considered cooling, easily digestible and highly nutritious. Many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients boost your immune system and help you stay energized throughout the day. With mangoes, bananas, berries, pomegranates, and watermelons not only enjoyed as stand-alone snacks, but consumed in a variety of forms, from puddings to smoothies, it’s no surprise that demand will rise as temperatures rise. Mango shakes, banana shakes and other fruit shakes are very popular among people and often appear on the breakfast table. However, Ayurvedic experts say that mixing the fruit with milk should be used with caution, as it produces a toxic by-product ama, which can be the root of many health problems. (Also read: Mango cheesecake from Amrath Puri, 5 irresistible mango recipes to try this summer)

Mango Shake vs Banana Shake: Healthy Choices

Milk should only be combined with pure sweet and ripe fruit (Pinterest, Freepik)

Not all fruits are suitable for eating with milk. From an Ayurvedic perspective, only naturally sweet, fully ripe fruits are best suited for recipes that include milk as an ingredient. Mangoes and bananas are sweet. So, are banana shakes good for us?

According to Ayurveda, the answer is “no”. Bananas may be sweet, but the post-digestion effect is sour, so they are not suitable to be eaten with milk. Ayurvedic expert Dr. Dixa Babusar Savalya told Instagram, “Although sweet, the two should not be combined as the post-digestive effect will be sour if taken with milk.” says in the post.

This means that banana shakes should be consumed with caution and in moderation. Read on to find out if mango shakes are healthy according to Ayurveda.

How about a mango shake?

“Ripe and sweet mangoes can be combined with milk,” says Dr. Sabariya. “Ripe mango mixed with milk calms vata and pitta, is delicious, nourishing, tonic, aphrodisiac and even improves complexion. It is sweet and cooling in nature.” added Dr. Savalya. This means that mango shakes should be consumed without worry, but if you are suffering from a chronic illness, follow the advice of your health professional.

Dr. Savalya also shared Ayurvedic recommendations when mixing fruit with milk.

  • Milk should be combined only with pure, sweet and ripe fruits.
  • Ripe and sweet mangoes can be combined with milk.
  • Avocado can also be mixed with milk (which has a creamy, buttery taste and is slightly astringent).
  • Dried fruits such as raisins, dates and figs can also be consumed with milk.
  • Avoid mixing all berries (including strawberries) with milk. If you add berries to milk, the milk may not curdle immediately, but it will curdle after the first digestion.

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