Home Mental Health Majority of Americans say stress is destroying their ability to enjoy life

Majority of Americans say stress is destroying their ability to enjoy life

by Universalwellnesssystems

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SAYRE, Pa. — In a recent survey, 61% of Americans say their stress levels are higher than ever before, and 55% claim that stress keeps them from enjoying life.

Sadly, the high stress epidemic affects all generations, from Boomers to Gen Z. Each group feels stressed by different things. Dealing with stress effectively has benefits for your physical and mental health.

weight of stress

It’s no surprise that U.S. adults are experiencing high stress levels.of investigation, conducted by Clever Real Estate, surveyed respondents about what causes them the most stress. Economic issues appear several times on the list.

  • Living expenses, 80%
  • inflation, 73%
  • personal finance, 61%
  • Mental health, 57%
  • Debt, 55%
  • physical health, 53%
  • Home, 49%
  • Human relationships, 48%
  • Work, 45%

The effects of stress on the human body are well documented. It can cause or worsen chronic diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. It can be a contributing factor to stroke or heart attack. It can also cause some digestive problems and weaken the immune system, as well as cause insomnia, obesity, and mental health problems.

Physical symptoms of stress are not differentiated.

Unfortunately, battling stress is rarely a one-time battle. The fight will continue until the root of the problem is properly addressed and managed. It slowly invades every part of an individual’s life, from work to relationships to self-esteem and confidence, affecting people in many ways.

Stress seriously affects quality of life

Approximately 55% of U.S. adults are unable to enjoy life because of stress or its symptoms, and 48% report crying at least once a week. Thirty percent of respondents said they did nothing to help or improve their mental health or relieve tension.

Stress is also widely acknowledged to have a negative impact on relationships, with 59% of Americans citing stress as a major cause of difficulties not only in friendships but also in marriages, romantic relationships, and other family relationships. It can have a particularly negative impact on families. As parents become increasingly stressed, they may project their stress onto their children, spouse, or both.

The coping methods people use can also make the problem worse. More than 40% of adults say they overeat to cope with stress, and 39% turn to alcohol to relieve stress. These harmful coping strategies highlight the substantial need for better access to mental health resources.

Even if this were not possible, more than three-quarters of respondents felt the world would be a better place if more people prioritized mental health, and 52% said they would benefit from state-sponsored mental health support. They say they are willing to pay higher taxes to improve health services. government.

Younger generations report feeling more stressed

Younger generations are currently having a harder time than older generations. These past 10 years have been difficult for all generations. 45% of US adults say their 10 years have been the most stressful of the past 60 years.

Millennials and Gen Z are the hardest hit. Stress is now at an all-time high for 65% of Millennials and 64% of Gen Z. The majority of Gen Zers (61%) rate their stress levels as “unreasonable” and feel they experience more stress than the average person. . Both Millennials (55%) and Gen Z (55%) report difficulties in life due to stress. Only 30% of baby boomers feel this way.

Home prices are a major concern for Millennials, with 64% citing it as their main stressor. Conversely, 34% of American homeowners believe they would be less stressed if they didn’t own a home.

The younger the generation, the more stressed they are, but many people don’t have the proper coping mechanisms to deal with the pressure and try in vain to find something to be grateful for.

Unavoidable stressors in American life

Two out of three Americans say social media is a significant stressor and has a negative impact on society, but they believe this can be remedied by logging off or hanging up. Other factors that cause stress are more difficult to manage.

Low pay (57%) and poor work-life balance (46%) are two significant stressors that are more difficult to avoid. Employees are often overworked with their assigned duties, working longer hours than their regular shifts, with inadequate benefits, and insufficient paid time off. The stress caused by these factors leads to burnout and low employee morale, which impacts the economy by increasing unemployment due to high turnover rates.

The combination of low wages and rising costs of living leaves most Americans feeling unable to keep their heads above water. Prices are rising, but wages are not keeping up. Those seeking reassurance may look to further education, gain more marketable skills, or explore relevant self-improvement tips to get ahead.

Many people deal with stress in unhealthy and even destructive ways. Experts recommend avoiding substances such as alcohol, drugs, and smoking to reduce stress. People who feel they are in crisis need to take action to improve their mental health.

This article was created and distributed by Wealth of Geeks.

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