Home Products Lung cancer survival rate: Symptoms and myths everyone needs to stop believing

Lung cancer survival rate: Symptoms and myths everyone needs to stop believing

by Universalwellnesssystems

TV host Johnny Irwin has revealed that he has terminal cancer that started in his lungs and has now metastasized to his brain.

Host on channel 4 a place in the sun and the BBC escape to the country In a new interview, he said, ‘I don’t know how long I’ll live’.

In August 2020, I started noticing something strange when my vision became blurry while driving. a place in the sunhe was sentenced to “six months to live”.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. This is a disease that many of us think we know the main causes and symptoms of.

However, there are still some misconceptions about lung cancer and it is not always just a “smoker’s disease”.

We spoke to a lung cancer expert and debunked the myths so you have all the information you need…

Myth 1: Lung Cancer Only Affects Older People

According to John Costello, a pulmonologist at the Mayo Clinic (mayoclinichealthcare.co.uk), “Lung cancer is certainly more common in older people. The average age of diagnosis is 70. However, This may reflect prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke.”

This does not mean that you can only get it when you are old. According to Lisa Jacques, chief cancer nurse at Perci Health (percihealth.com), “Most people develop lung cancer in their 60s and her 70s, after years of smoking. 20’s and 30’s.”

Myth 2: Lung cancer is always caused by smoking

Smoking can increase your chances of developing lung cancer, but it is not the only cause.

“Smoking is the cause of most lung cancers and is the biggest risk factor, but about 10% of people who get lung cancer have never smoked,” Jacques explains.

“Some lung cancers are hereditary and not related to smoking, while others are caused by exposure to substances such as asbestos, radon gas, and second-hand smoke,” Costello adds, although these are “relatively rare.” is”.

Myth 3: You can’t undo the lung damage from smoking

“Some of the damage and inflammation caused by smoking can be reversed, but emphysema in particular is an irreversible structural destruction of the lungs that causes extreme shortness of breath,” Costello said. .

So while quitting smoking may reduce your risk, it’s much better not to start at all.

Myth 4: Lung cancer is always fatal

A lung cancer diagnosis does not mean certain death, but it is still serious.

“Lung cancer has a 60% five-year survival rate for people with localized disease,” says Costello. “If it’s spread all over the body at the time of diagnosis, he has only an 8% chance of survival.”

However, he says, “there are new techniques in screening for lung cancer, such as CT scans of smokers over 50 years with a serious tobacco background.” It has potential and can be eliminated with up to 80-90% five-year survival.”

Therefore, if you are concerned about a prolonged cough, consult your doctor and get tested as soon as possible.

Myth 5: Women don’t have to worry about lung cancer as much as other types

According to Cancer Research UK, men are more likely to get cancer than women (52% of lung cancer cases are men and 48% are women). However, these margins are small and women should be aware of lung cancer.

“Lung cancer has become an increasing problem among women since women’s smoking habits have caught up with men, so women are at greater risk when they smoke,” says Costello. “Some smoking cessation-related lung cancers are more common in women.”

Jacques adds:

So, whether you smoke or not, watch out for lung cancer symptoms. For example, a cough that lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, a recurring chest infection, shortness of breath or tingling or pain when breathing. If you have any concerns, please consult your primary care physician.

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