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Lung cancer: Causes, symptoms and treatments

by Universalwellnesssystems


The American Cancer Society just updated its lung cancer screening guidelines to promote early detection. Annual low-dose CT scans are recommended for most people ages 50 to 80 with a pack-year history of 20 years or more, regardless of their current smoking status or how long they have quit. Expands screening recommendations. (A pack year is defined as the average of one pack of cigarettes he smokes per day during a year.)

These guideline changes have brought renewed attention to lung cancer. How common is it? What types of lung cancer are there? What are the risk factors other than smoking? Why is early detection important? What treatments are available?And what can people do to reduce risk? these cancer?

To answer these questions, I spoke to CNN wellness medical expert Dr. Leena Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and George is a professor of health policy and management at the University of Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health. She previously served as the health commissioner for the city of Baltimore.

CNN: How common is lung cancer?

Dr. Liana Wen: by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. The most common form of cancer is skin cancer. Breast cancer is more common than lung cancer in women, and prostate cancer is more common than lung cancer in men. For both men and women, more people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer in the United States.

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2023, approximately 238,000 people will develop lung cancer and approximately 127,000 people will die from lung cancer.

CNN: What types of lung cancer are there?

Wen: There are two main types of lung cancer: small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The cancer cells in SCLC are so named because they appear smaller under a microscope compared to NSCLC. Both have further cancer subtypes. For example, NSCLC includes subtypes such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.

SCLC types tend to grow and spread more quickly in the body than NSCLC. At the time of diagnosis, SCLC usually spread beyond the lungs. The majority of SCLC cases are current or former smokers.

The NSCLC type is more common and accounts for 80% to 85% of lung cancer diagnoses. These also have a strong correlation with smoking, but notably, adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer found in people who don’t smoke. It is also diagnosed in younger people than other types of lung cancer and is more common in women than men.

There are other types of cancer that start in other parts of the body and can spread to the lungs. For example, breast cancer can spread to the lungs and other organs. These are not lung cancers that originate in the lungs like SCLC or NSCLC.

CNN: What are the risk factors for lung cancer besides smoking?

Wen: Smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer.According to the American Cancer Societyapproximately 80% of deaths from lung cancer Smoking is thought to be the cause. The risks are additive. The longer you smoke and the more cigarettes you smoke per day, the higher your risk of developing lung cancer.

There is sometimes a misconception that smoking cigars or pipes does not increase your risk of cancer. This is wrong. Smoking so-called “light” or flavored cigarettes also increases your risk of lung cancer just as much as regular cigarettes.

Second-hand smoke is also a major risk factor. People who live with someone who smokes are at increased risk for many health problems, including an increased risk of lung cancer.

There are also several other risk factors, including environmental exposures such as radon and asbestos, the latter of which is associated with a certain type of lung cancer known as mesothelioma. People who have had radiation therapy to the chest for other cancers, such as those who have had chest radiation therapy after mastectomy for breast cancer or Hodgkin disease, are also at increased risk.

People who have a first-degree relative with lung cancer may also have a slightly higher risk of lung cancer themselves, but this is often difficult to distinguish from the effects of second-hand smoke. Finally, it is believed that 1% to 2% of lung cancer deaths in the United States may be caused by outdoor air pollution.

CNN: What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Wen: Early symptoms may be nonspecific and include a persistent cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and vague chest discomfort. Some people may have a hoarse voice, cough with blood, loss of appetite, or unexplained weight loss. As the cancer spreads, you may experience symptoms related to bone pain, yellowing of the skin due to liver damage, or other symptoms. The tumor presses on blood vessels or other body structures.

CNN: Why is early detection important?

Wen: Cancer screening saves lives. This applies to lung cancer as well as other types of cancer.Cancer is easier to treat when it remains localized before it spreads. It can also affect lymph nodes and other organs. If cancer is caught early, the chances of survival are much higher than in the late stages.

By definition, screening is performed on people who do not yet have symptoms. The American Cancer Society had already recommended screening for people with significant smoking risk factors. They updated their screening guidelines to cover more people because research shows that the benefits of extending low-dose CT scan recommendations to more people outweigh the downsides. It has been expanded.

Of course, anyone who has symptoms such as those described above should seek immediate medical attention. This is not a cancer screening, but a test to find the cause of symptoms.

CNN: What types of treatments are available?

Wen: The specific type of treatment depends on the cancer, the stage at which it is detected, and the patient’s overall health. Treatments include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. For people whose cancer is localized to one area of ​​the lungs, surgery may be the treatment. For people with more advanced disease, treatments may be recommended to reduce symptoms and help people live longer, even if they cannot cure the cancer.

CNN: What can people do to reduce their risk of this and other cancers?

Wen: For those who currently smoke, the most important thing to do is to quit. the study showed that quitting smoking reduced the risk of lung cancer, even among smokers with a long history of smoking multiple cigarettes a day. Although your risk is not as low as that of someone who never smokes, you may still be able to prevent lung cancer.of american lung association Many other local, state, and federal organizations have helpful resources that you should also discuss with your health care provider.

Individuals can also try to reduce their exposure to second-hand smoke. You can also recognize and investigate occupational hazards. their home or not May contain harmful levels of radon. Researchers are investigating protective factors such as diet and exercise. it’s not clear At this time, it’s unclear whether and to what extent they can reduce your risk of lung cancer, but these healthy habits can certainly improve your overall health.

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