Home Nutrition Lunchables in school cafeterias have child nutrition experts concerned

Lunchables in school cafeterias have child nutrition experts concerned

by Universalwellnesssystems


Lunchables, a popular prepackaged meal intended to feed children and time-pressed parents, have been staples on school cafeteria tables for decades. But now some of them don’t arrive from home in a lunch bag or box – brands are offering versions of the products offered by the cafeteria itself.

Kraft Heinz, the company that makes them, has developed two styles of lunchchables that meet federal nutritional guidelines set for national school lunch programs. 30 million children all over the country.

Two of its products, turkey and cheese and pizza, are modified to have larger serving sizes and lower saturated fat and sodium, unlike products sold in grocery stores, according to the company.

This meal could appeal to schools struggling with cafeteria understaffing and supply chain kinks with limited menu options. But many nutrition experts greeted the news with a flurry of skepticism.

Donna Martin, director of school nutrition programs in Burke County, Georgia, says the reason lunchables appeal to administrators is a warning sign that school cafeterias are underfunded. ‘s nutrition programs need to be reimbursed at a rate that allows them to scratch-cook delicious, healthy meals, rather than just providing lunches to students, due to the lack of facilities and workforce,” she said.

How to get kids to eat healthy lunches? Give them some control.

Katie Wilson, executive director of the Urban School Food Alliance, said the approval of lunchables points to a bigger problem with federal guidelines. The fact that we meet school feeding standards is part of what needs to change in school feeding programs across the country,” she said.

School programs may be tempted to rely on pre-assembled products like Lunchables to meet these standards, she said. “The finer control over administrative review will help ensure that all details of the administrative review are met, thus encouraging districts to use overly processed packaged foods,” Wilson said.

Darish Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and professor at the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition, said there’s no problem with lunchables as long as they don’t contain processed meats or high sodium levels. It considers products like sandwich meats, hot dogs and bacon to be “Group 1” carcinogens in the same category as tobacco and asbestos, he noted. It also increases the risk of other health problems such as stroke and diabetes, he added.

Mozaffarians also said the sodium levels in such products are too high, even if they meet current standards.

A school ready-to-go turkey lunch with crackers, turkey and a slice of cheddar cheese, served in a 3.5 oz portion and contains 270 calories, 930 mg sodium, 15 grams fat and 16 grams protein. increase.Federal dietary guidelines recommend that adults consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium daily, and recommended levels for children are is even lower.

The 5-ounce pizza version consists of a packet of crackers, cheese, and tomato sauce and has 330 calories, 700 mg sodium, 13 grams fat, and 16 grams protein.

The Department of Agriculture, which manages the nation’s school feeding program, announced last month that it would impose new guidelines over the next few years to further limit salt, emphasize whole grains and limit sugar. Efforts to do so have faced opposition from some Republican lawmakers and industry groups.

Lunchables aren’t the only name-brand foods students see at school. Packaged foods served in cafeterias include General Mills and Kellogg’s cereals, but their formulations have been modified from grocery store versions to include less sugar and more whole grains to meet federal standards. It is However, some experts believe such offerings are problematic.

“By providing children with branded, packaged foods through the National School Feeding Program, food companies can essentially sell directly to children, increasing credibility by associating products with schools.” says Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Kendrin Sonneville College. Michigan Public Health School. “Kraft Heinz will benefit significantly from this collaboration in the short term through direct sales and in the long term through increased brand awareness and loyalty.”

Kraft Heinz, however, uses its brand name as a selling point for its new products, which is “one of the most beloved U.S. brands by kids” and boasts “93% brand recognition.” I’m here.

Martin also worries that the low-salt, low-fat formula lunchchables served at school may confuse parents and children into thinking the grocery store versions are just as healthy. was

Still, it might appeal to school districts that are understaffed. The School Nutrition Association, an industry group for school lunches, recently survey of its members They found that nearly 93% of school nutrition programs are having trouble staffing. Diane Pratt Hebner, the group’s director of media relations, said it’s becoming harder to retain cafeteria staff as fast food and other restaurants raise wages in this tight labor market. rice field.

Pratt-Heavner noted that most schools not only offer hot meals, but also alternative options such as deli sandwiches. Products like lunchables are likely to be an alternative, she said. There is,” she said. Kraft Heinz is an “industry partner” of the School Nutrition Association.

The company sells lunchables for schools as meals available beyond the cafeteria. “It’s also great for field trips, summer programs, and dinner programs,” read its sales materials.

“These are products that can be used in emergencies, but I hope they don’t become the norm in school lunches,” Wilson said.

And then there’s the packaging (plastic trays and wrappers) that some critics say is wasteful.

Even if the cafeteria provides lunch, that’s not the only thing students receive. Schools should provide students with half a fruit or vegetable, along with low-fat milk.

But Kraft Heinz could soon be in that business too. “Beyond entering the cafeteria, Lunchables is concept testing adding fruit to its retail SKUs later this year, and may expand nationwide in 2024,” a company representative said in an email. said in

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