Home Products ‘Love hormone’ oxytocin may be missing link between sleep apnea and high blood pressure

‘Love hormone’ oxytocin may be missing link between sleep apnea and high blood pressure

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sleep apnea is common Accompanied by high blood pressurewhich contributes to the heart health risks associated with both diseases. Now scientists have identified two brain chemicals that play a role in this chain reaction and may pave the way for new treatments.

A lab rat study published in May found that Journal of PhysiologyThe scientists narrowed their focus to two chemicals produced in the brain that are known to affect blood pressure. OxytocinThey wanted to see how these two “neurohormones” — a hormone known to help with attachment and social bonding, and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) — affect the brain stem, the lower part of the brain responsible for controlling many involuntary functions. blood pressure.

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