Home Products Lots of People Die Every Year During or After Sex. An Expert Explains Why. : ScienceAlert

Lots of People Die Every Year During or After Sex. An Expert Explains Why. : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

There are many benefits to sex Physical and psychological effectsreduce high blood pressure, improve the immune system, improve sleep, and more.

The physical act of sex and orgasm releases the hormone oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. trust and bond among people.

But there is also a dark side. Death can occur during or shortly after sex. Thankfully, the incidence is very low; 0.6 percent Among all cases of sudden death.

There is many reasons Why does this happen to people? It is most often caused by the physical strain of sexual activity, prescription drugs (such as erectile dysfunction drugs), or illegal drugs such as cocaine. or both.

The risk of sudden cardiac death increases with age.forensic scientist postmortem research A study of 32,000 sudden deaths over 33 years in Germany found that 0.2 per cent of cases occurred during sexual activity.

Sudden death occurred primarily in men (mean age 59 years), and the most common causes of death were: heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction.Research on sudden cardiac death and sexual activity America, France and South Korea shows similar findings.

Not just middle-aged men

But researchers at St George’s, University of London, recently discovered that this phenomenon is not limited to middle-aged men.

research, i.e. was announced on JAMA Cardiologyinvestigated 6,847 cases of sudden cardiac death referred to St. George’s Cardiac Pathology Center from January 1994 to August 2020.

Of these, 17 (0.2%) occurred during or within 1 hour after sex. The average age at death was 38 years, and 35 percent of cases occurred in women, which was higher than in previous studies.

These deaths are not usually caused by heart attacks, as seen in older men. In half of the cases (53 percent), the heart was found to be structurally normal but had sudden abnormal heart rhythms called sudden arrhythmia death syndrome or arrhythmia. SADS was the cause of death.

aortic dissection was the second largest cause (12%). This is where the layers of the wall of the aorta, which supply blood from the heart to the rest of the body, tear and blood flows between the layers, causing it to swell and rupture.

The remaining cases were due to structural abnormalities such as: cardiomyopathy (a disease of the heart muscle that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body), or due to a group of rare genetic disorders known as: channelopathy.

This is where the ion channels that move sodium and potassium in and out of the heart muscle cells do not function properly. Changes in sodium and potassium in cells can change the electrical current flowing through the heart muscle, changing the way it beats.

Changes in heart rhythm can cause oxygen deficiency (myocardial ischemia), which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, where the heart stops beating.

This new study suggests that the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in people under 50 is sudden arrhythmia death syndrome, or cardiomyopathy.

Young adults diagnosed with these conditions should seek advice from a cardiologist about the risks associated with sexual activity.

However, the low mortality rates in these studies suggest that the risk is very low, even for people who already have heart disease.

David C. GazeSenior Lecturer in Chemical Pathology; university of westminster.

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

A previous version of this article was published in January 2022.

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