Home Nutrition Longest Living Family Eats This Blue Zones Diet Recipe Every Day

Longest Living Family Eats This Blue Zones Diet Recipe Every Day

by Universalwellnesssystems

In search of the secret to living a long, healthy life, many people look to the habits of people in the Blue Zones. These areas include Italy, Greece, Japan, Costa Rica, and the United States, where people typically live into their 90s and 100s.

Bestselling author Dan Buettner has made it his life's work to shine a light on these communities, understand their lifestyles, and uncover the habits that help them live longer than most of us.

in Recent social media postsshared the meals the “world's longest-living families” eat every day.

The Melis family from the Italian island of Sardinia holds the world record for longevity. They are, Guinness World Records title In 2012, the combined age of the nine surviving siblings was the highest.

“Nine siblings, 861 years old in total. The oldest brother is 109 years old. They ate the exact same lunch every day,” Buettner said in the video.

The one meal that the longest-living family eats every day

“The world's longest-living families eat this meal every day,” Buettner wrote in an Instagram post. The contents of the meal are as follows:

  • Minestrone with 3 types of beans (chickpeas, pinto, white beans)
  • bread made with sourdough
  • 1 glass (2-3 ounces) of red wine

While many factors besides what you eat affect how long you live, this diet embodies what Buettner calls the “Blue Zones Diet,” which emphasizes whole foods and plants.

Minestrone soup with 3 kinds of beans

Buettner said her family eats a thick bowl of minestrone made with a variety of vegetables grown nearby, and it always includes three types of beans: chickpeas, pinto and white beans.

“People who live the longest and healthiest lives tend to eat half a cup to a cup of beans each day. Additionally, soups are rich in vegetables, which are among the top longevity foods.” Samantha Cassetti, a registered dietitian in New York City and co-author of “Sugar Shock,” told TODAY.com.

“The soup made with three types of beans and multiple vegetables is also noteworthy. the study suggest that eating 30 unique plant foods a week can improve gut diversity, an indicator of a healthy gut. “The gut regulates health functions such as blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, mood, weight, and nutrient absorption, so if you have a healthy gut, you're more likely to live a longer and healthier life,” Cassetti explains. do.

bread made with sourdough

Bread often gets a bad rap, but it can be part of a healthy diet. Also, choosing a sourdough starter is especially beneficial for your gut health.

“People in the Blue Zones eat fermented foods every day. Naturally fermented sourdough bread doesn't cause blood sugar spikes like white bread and helps maintain healthier blood sugar levels.” Over time, high blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes,” says Cassetty. “moreover, evidence The resistant starch found in sourdough bread may also contribute to other health benefits, including increased satiety and improved insulin sensitivity. ”

glass of wine

Butner emphasized that his family enjoys “smaller” glasses of wine, 2 ounces or 3 ounces, half the size of a typical 5-ounce glass.

“Alcohol can increase levels of good HDL cholesterol, but even one drink a day is associated with other health risks,” Cassetti says. “However, they may drink less than one drink a day. Wine can also add to the enjoyment of a meal, a factor that is often overlooked when talking about a healthy lifestyle.” ”

And, as Buettner pointed out, they didn't choose this diet because “my diet requires it.” No, they loved it. ”

Ms Cassetti added: “Keep in mind that this meal is one you eat in front of your loved ones. Maintaining a strong social circle can increase your sense of well-being and help fight loneliness, which goes beyond the nutrients in your diet.” It provides additional health benefits.”

Is this a balanced plant-based diet?

Several people commented about this lunch not containing enough protein, a common concern with plant-based diets. But this meal delivers in the protein department.

“Typical minestrone It contains 8 grams of protein per cup, but most people eat more than that,” says Cassetti. “A can of soup contains about 2 cups, so you can get about 16 grams of plant-based protein from the soup. bread made with sourdough You can add another 4 grams of protein to bring your total protein to about 20 grams. ”

“A balanced diet includes whole foods, mostly plant-based, and adequate protein. This diet fits the bill perfectly,” Cassetti added. “As long as you meet your calorie needs and vary your protein sources, you can get all the protein you need from plants.”

For people with high protein needs, adding more beans to the soup is recommended, but it's best to spread out your protein intake throughout the day rather than getting all your protein in one meal. It also reminds us to be wise.

Is eating the same meal every day a healthy choice?

Eating the exact same thing every day can be a red flag for nutritionists, but Cassetti says this diet is a green light.

“When you don't have a lot of plant diversity or you don't have a lot of plant foods, you worry about someone eating the same thing every day, but this diet is 100% plant-based and there's a lot of variety in the diet. There’s a lot of sex,” Cassetti says. “You can also mix up the vegetables in your soup with what's in season, adding more plant variety to your diet.”

Eating the same meal at noon can also help make meal planning less stressful.

“One of the things people struggle with is deciding what to eat. This can be a big challenge when juggling family, work, and other priorities,” Cassetti said. say. “Eating the same meal every day for lunch reduces decision fatigue and lowers stress levels. Therefore, eating the same meal repeatedly can be a good stress-reducing routine, and reducing stress can have health benefits. , which is also a tenet of the Blue Zones philosophy.”

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