Home Products Loneliness and unhappiness can age us faster than smoking: New study

Loneliness and unhappiness can age us faster than smoking: New study

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Loneliness may quicken our biological clocks.

feeling lonely and unhappy Cigarettes may accelerate the aging process more than smoking, according to a recent article in Aging-US.

“We demonstrate [that] Add in psychological factors such as unhappiness and loneliness, and you have a biological age of 1 year and 8 months,” said lead author Dr. Fedor Galkin, Director of Scientific Business Development at Deep Longevity in Hong Kong. .

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“The overall effect outweighs the effects of biological sex, region of residence, marital status and smoking status,” he said. “We conclude that psychological factors should not be ignored in aging research, as they have a significant impact on biological age.”

According to the paper, everyone has a chronological age determined by their date of birth.

An elderly woman sitting alone on a sofa in the living room of a retirement home. For some people the aging process goes faster than for others. This is called “accelerated aging”.

But there are also “aging clocks” that are affected. our geneticsLife Choices and Environments, and Reports were added.

An international research team has noted that molecular damage accumulates with age and contributes to the development of disease.

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But for some people the aging process goes faster. This is called “accelerated aging”.

Researchers developed an aging clock based on the blood panel of the Chinese Longitudinal Study of Health and Retirement (CHARLS) dataset to define the biological age of a sample of Chinese adults.

“Successful older adults are those over the age of 65 with normal cognitive function and social engagement without major disabilities.”

CHARLS is Chinese population 45 years of age or older; includes information on participants’ social and economic status, health history, biometrics and blood panel.

successful aging

The authors noted that China has the lowest proportion of ‘successful elderly’ among East Asian countries.

“Successful older adults are those over the age of 65 who have normal cognitive function and social engagement without major disabilities,” says the study.

Ann "aging clock" A person's age can be estimated by looking at a person's biomarkers, according to new research.

According to new research, an “aging clock” can estimate a person’s age by looking at that person’s biomarkers.

Because of China’s large population, the number of people over the age of 65 in China is higher than the number of people over the age of 65 in Europe as a whole. It can provide important insights into transformation.” in the world. “

The researchers found that blood and biometric data 11,914 Chinese adults.

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This is the first to be used in a Chinese cohort of this size.

What is an “aging clock”?

“The aging clock is a digital model of aging. [based] Thousands of human samples,” Galkin told Fox News Digital.

“By examining biomarker profiles annotated with chronological age, we learn to identify the footprint of aging.”

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He explained that the “aging clock” can estimate a person’s age by looking at their biomarkers.

“When a person is perceived as elderly by this model, the molecular aging process is accelerated,” he said.

Factors that accelerate aging

In this study, history of strokeliver and lung disease, and smokers accelerated aging.

However, they also found that a ‘vulnerable mental state’ can accelerate aging.

Feelings of hopelessness, unhappiness, and loneliness increased biological age more than smoking, according to the group’s press release. It has also been found that the aging process is associated with accelerated aging.

"Mental and psychosocial status are some of the strongest predictors of health outcomes and quality of life." A co-author of the new study said: "However, they are largely excluded from modern healthcare."

“Mental and psychosocial status are some of the strongest predictors of health outcomes and quality of life,” say the co-authors of the new study.

“Mental and psychosocial status are some of the strongest predictors of health outcomes and quality of life, yet are largely excluded from modern healthcare,” co-authors of the Stanford University School of Psychology said. Manuel Faria, who belongs to the club, said. University, in a press release.

Limitations of research

This study notes that one limitation lies in the investigation method. Participants were asked about their psychological well-being by ranking the frequency of certain emotions and problems in the previous week.

Another study limitation was that the study only included participants who were part of the Chinese elderly population. As such, the results of the new study will need to be replicated in comparable Western populations, Galkin told his Fox News Digital.

“Combined with previous research, we have a way to improve lifespan potential using behavioral measures alone,” Galkin added.

Early detection of accelerated aging is expected to be applied to the real world, “helping to prevent the onset of aging-related diseases and find ways to delay aging.”

“This concept has been implemented in FuturSelf.AI and will be completed later.”

FuturSelf.AI provides a free assessment of the user’s “mental age”. Deep Longevity of Hong Kong released earlier this year.

Early detection of accelerated aging has real-world applications “to help prevent the onset of age-related diseases and to find ways to slow aging,” Galkin told Fox News Digital. Told.


The study’s aging clock may also motivate future methods to “delay or reverse psychological aging on a national scale,” said co-author and CEO of Insilico Medicine in Hong Kong and New York. Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov added at the press conference. release.

The author concludes that we age subtly. Aging is determined to some extent not only by physical factors, but also by emotional well-being and social status.


“We interpreted biological age as a proxy for general health status and showed that positive emotions (happiness, hope, and safety) have a greater impact on the former,” the paper said.

“The findings further support that healthy longevity requires companionship and a psychologically comfortable environment.”

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