Home Nutrition Live longer: Best diets for longevity

Live longer: Best diets for longevity

by Universalwellnesssystems

Reversing the aging dial may seem strange, but researchers working in the field vehemently disagree.

In an exclusive interview with GB News, a PhD student at one of America’s most prestigious universities reveals the dietary plan that his research has found to be the most promising.

Raghav Sehgal of Yale University is currently working to develop aging biomarkers that can help shed light on interventions that have the potential to reverse aging.

The epigenetic biomarker he developed in collaboration with Dr. Morgan Levine, an assistant professor of pathology at the same university, is called “Systems Age.” It is shown Reverse aging with 20 different interventions, ranging from pharmacological interventions such as senolytic treatments to lifestyle-based interventions such as diet.

Researchers suggest low-carbohydrate approach is key to reversing biomaker aging

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Epigenetics (the science that explains how genes express themselves and how they are affected by external factors) is the science that explains how genes express themselves and how they are affected by external factors. It is beginning to show us how to slow it down or stop it.

Certain dietary approaches have proven to be very effective at reducing epigenetic biomarkers that promote aging, Sehgal says.

what are they?

The PhD student considered four different diets: fat-free, low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, and vegan, but found that “overall, the answer was consistent, no matter which diet you chose. “We’re going to see a reduction in these epigenetic biomarkers. Of course, the degree will be different,” but we’ll still see a reduction. ”

Extensive research suggests he’s onto something.

Various studies have shown that diets that focus on plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, moderate amounts of lean protein, and reduce intake of red and processed meat are recommended. It has been pointed out that it leads to longevity.

The MIND diet, which combines elements of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, has recently been shown to slow biological aging and reduce the risk of dementia.

The MIND diet emphasizes plant-based foods (particularly berries and leafy greens) and limits intake of animal products and saturated fats.

Previous studies have linked increased dietary adherence to a lower risk of dementia. But it has also been shown to have benefits for heart health, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Mediterranean food in pictures

The MIND diet was recently proven to slow biological aging and reduce the risk of dementia

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Recent research suggests that cyclical eating that mimics fasting can also reduce signs of aging in the immune system.

FMD is a 5-day diet high in unsaturated fat and low in total calories, protein, and carbohydrates that mimics the effects of a water-only fast while providing the necessary nutrients and making it much easier for people to complete their fast. Designed to make it easier. fast.

Proponents of this diet recommend consuming plant-based soups, energy bars, energy drinks, chip snacks, and tea divided over five days, as well as supplements that provide high levels of minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. You can expect.
Previous studies have shown that short-term, regular FMD cycles produce the following benefits:

  • Promote stem cell regeneration
  • Reduce chemotherapy side effects
  • Reduces signs of dementia in mice

Additionally, research suggests that FMD cycles may lower risk factors for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other age-related diseases in humans.

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