Home Health Care Letters: Sign up for dental health insurance coverage | Letters to the Editor

Letters: Sign up for dental health insurance coverage | Letters to the Editor

by Universalwellnesssystems

October marks the start of general enrollment, a period during which many individuals and families consider health insurance options and make important decisions for the coming year.

It’s also a good time to remember Oral health is essential to overall health And consider how dental insurance fits into your overall benefits.

According to the State of America’s 2022 Oral Health and Wellness Report, a national analysis of consumer opinions and behaviors regarding oral health found that 62% of adults nationwide currently have dental insurance and have 85% of children report that their children are insured.

Among those who have insurance, nearly all adults recognize that dental benefits save money and are well worth the expense. This is mainly because dental benefits focus on prevention.

Preventive checkups and cleanings are usually 100% covered twice a year. They are very helpful in maintaining a healthy mouth. These visits reveal dental problems so they can be treated quickly.

This is important because there is a clear link between oral health and the body. Untreated dental disease can affect health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Conversely, there are 120 diseases that cause changes in the mouth, allowing dentists to identify signs and symptoms of other potential health problems.

By subscribing to and using dental insurance, payments are made in a variety of ways. For example, peace of mind, overall health benefits, cost savings, and improved quality of life for you and your loved ones.

Ron Ing

dental surgeon


people, not things

September 26, Alan S. Hill, Chairman of the Board Greenville County Public Library, said: The best that everyone in this room can expect from this board is neutrality. “

The LGBTQ+ community is a group of people, a group of humans.

As Mr. Hill suggests, we are not just “things.” We are of all ages, and our presence in society is not as age-inappropriate as the presence of people with different hair and eye colors.

The majority of queer adults often say they wish they had words to describe themselves when they were young.

We were different, I didn’t understand why. Representation is not indoctrination.

Anyone who can’t think of gay couples and transgender people without sexualizing them is dehumanizing us by sexualizing us.

If their idea of ​​”remaining neutral” is to keep us out of public view, they are against our existence.

Those who forbid knowledge and objectify humans always have two things in common. That history didn’t see them as heroes, and that they thought they were doing the right thing.

Support your library and resist book bans by writing letters to board members and members of parliament.

and vote in November.

Amberlyn Boyter


remove russia now

The UN can and should hold Russia accountable for its aggression against Ukraine.

Russia’s unilateral attack on Ukraine violates the UN Charter, its purposes and values.

The organization’s charter makes it clear that any country that is at war with another must abstain from voting, so Russia cannot vote on issues related to aggression against Ukraine.

Russia’s actions violate its obligations as a member of the Security Council and its status as a permanent member.

Both memberships are based on mutually agreed terms, which Russia has chosen to reject.

It justifies the exclusion of Russia from the Security Council.

Newt Clements


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