Home Medicine Letter: Walsh campaigns for socialized medicine – Grand Forks Herald

Letter: Walsh campaigns for socialized medicine – Grand Forks Herald

by Universalwellnesssystems

You should be able to understand that Matt Walsh, a conservative pundit, has, perhaps unwittingly, endorsed socialized medicine.

Walsh talks about how, under capitalism, various medical institutions can make a profit by promoting unnecessary drugs and unnecessary surgeries to render children infertile. Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have had similar reactions to this trend of sterilizing children. Their backlash has been far more successful than Matt Walsh’s crusade in the United States, as they see it.

If health care is a public service, unnecessary medicines and unnecessary surgeries are absurd. If medical care is private property, then the same unnecessary drugs and unnecessary surgeries are a matter of personal choice. like getting a tattoo. When medicines exist for profit, unnecessary medicines and unnecessary surgeries can be encouraged because “the customer is always right”.

But is the customer always right?

A century ago, California was a leader in sterilization in the name of eugenics. It’s been abused in the name of a trendy fad masquerading as scientific progress, and it’s still being abused. Now California is the leader in sterilizing people in the name of a different ideology. Different ideological justification, same result.

This is much more to classical conservatism than to various trendy capitalisms where socialized medicine omits medical ethics in order to drug or sterilize children for profit. indicates that it may be suitable for

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