Home Nutrition Kristina Girod Spin Class Lessons on Confidence

Kristina Girod Spin Class Lessons on Confidence

by Universalwellnesssystems
Iyou’ve seen a lot of one viral video Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, in a high-energy, dance-filled spin class that has garnered millions of views on a small corner of TikTok known as SpinTok power + flow Not your average cycling studio.Students perform intricate and highly rhythmic choreography on bicycles with the confidence of backup dancers usually cheered on by instructors Christina Girodestablished the studio in 2020.

There is something in the video that infects freedom and joy. That’s why there are hundreds of comments on Power + Flow’s social channels with followers planning a move to Scottsdale or wondering how everyone in the class can get to know the dance inside. outside.

However, the studio’s rise to prominence has recently received negative attention. Star Peloton Instructor Cody Rigsby Commenting on one spin class video, calling it “dangerous” and “joke”. This probably refers to the fact that the students are performing complex movements while riding at relatively high speeds, on the Peloton platform.

Giro responded “We often talk about how the work we do here prepares us for what we do outside of this space,” says Girod. “And I think that scenario was the perfect opportunity to practice what I preached and stand by what we’ve built.” Girod and Power + Flow received a lot of support (and apology from Rigsby).

well + good We talked to Girod about how to give students the confidence to throw a dance party on their bikes and how everyone can find more joy in their workouts.

she’s laying a solid foundation

Girod says everyone in her class might already look like a cycling pro, but that’s because social media doesn’t show the foundation she’s built to familiarize herself with the basics. . “When Power+Flow first started, I had her one month called growing season,” she says. “It was basically her four weeks. This is rhythm and how resistance works. We had classes for a full week without getting out of the saddle.” It was tough on taste, she says, but it paid off in the long run.)

“What you see on my Instagram has been created over the years,” she says. “There are newbies in the back row who are just trying to survive.” As those new students come in, she invites them to observe the dance until they feel comfortable. It doesn’t matter,” she says. “One thing that is essential is applause. Everyone can put their hands together and clap. It creates an energy of letting go, letting go, having fun.” Ultimately, most students From “deer in the headlights,” she says, to experimenting with motion in the saddle and rocking in the front row.

She models real confidence in front of the room

In the studio where Girod taught before Power + Flow, she felt she had to perform with an inimitable confidence. “Coaches are expected to come in with high energy. We can’t talk about our day and express our frustrations in our personal lives,” she says.

One day, she decided to get vulnerable and talk about a difficult day at work from 9 to 5, but everything changed. “The room exploded with so much love and support, and that was the moment I realized I could be honest with my students,” she says. “I tell them they need to come into the space and move their bodies and clear their minds. The room starts to realize that when they’ve had a bad day, they can also be in Power + Flow,” she says. says.

Bringing her full and honest self into class usually looks like she’s “angry, yelling, yelling, clapping and dancing,” she says. enthralling. “I just want to go through the screen and drag them into my life.”

Girod’s authenticity has created a space where students not only show up with confidence performing her dance routines, but make them their own. “The moment people start to feel confident in their movements, you start seeing little flickers and gestures and extra clapping and movements they create. They can really dance and enjoy the movement.” Some moves to officially enter the class were made by the students, she said.

Her Advice: Find Joy and a Space Where You Can Be Seen

For Giro more Working out is key to avoiding burnout. “One of my favorite things about her is taking a break from class to thank her neighbors. We just did it,” she says. “Instead of just forgetting and moving on, you can have the joy of the moment. So what’s the fun?”

This has become part of her studio culture, she says. The students recognize each other in class without her even prompting them. “Finding joy in your work is what makes it worthwhile,” she says.

But not all fitness studios have the same joy and community culture as Power + Flow.to find your For fitness homes, Girod suggests looking at how it feels to enter the space. “One of the things that we do very well for her is looking at our employees,” she says. “It should be obvious from the moment you walk in.”

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