Written by Gus Saltonstall
A second kosher grocery store opened this week on the Upper West Side. six sixty one Amsterdam Avenue between West 92nd and 93rd Streets.
The store, named for its address at 661 Amsterdam Avenue, takes over the location where Seasons Kosher operated until it closed in 2018. It joins the nearby Kosher Marketplace at 2442 Broadway (between West 90th and 91st Streets) as one of two marketplaces. Only at your local kosher supermarket.
Six60One is run by Itzik Benabou, who owns three kosher grocery stores in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
The new store will feature a bakery section, sushi case, delicatessen, fresh pizza and bagel section, poultry section, multiple refrigerators, and touch-screen ordering options. Four grocery store aisles stock dairy products, produce, canned seafood, honey and spreads, condiments, salads, frozen foods and more.
For a food to be kosher, it must follow several dietary laws, including specific methods for preparing the animal for consumption. Meat and dairy products must be kept separate, there are specific testing protocols, and certain foods such as pork, shellfish, and insects are restricted.
as This was reported by the Jewish Telegraph.Six60One offers “sometimes hard-to-find kosher products,” including vegetables and herbs that are guaranteed to be insect-free, certain cuts of kosher meat, and kosher macaroni and cheese. Meat and dairy products are kept separate throughout the store.
shop Closed on Saturdays. Here’s what the situation was like when Lag visited Thursday morning.

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