Home Mental Health Know all about Lucky Girl Syndrome, the newest mental health ‘hack’ to go viral on social media

Know all about Lucky Girl Syndrome, the newest mental health ‘hack’ to go viral on social media

by Universalwellnesssystems

Do you ever look at some people and think they’re just lucky And does everything always seem to go as planned? According to a new mental health ‘hack’ circulating on social media, you too can tap into the power of ‘luck’ so you don’t have to be jealous of them anymore. This method, called lucky girl syndrome, Manifestation And positive affirmations and good things happen to you if you believe you are really lucky. But what exactly is “lucky girl syndrome”?

The trend was started on TikTok by user Laura Galebe, who posted her first video last December. “There’s literally no better way to describe it than to feel like the odds are totally working in your favor. I always say great things happen to me unexpectedly,” Laura said. . videoIn this technique, “I am lucky and all will be well in the end. The universe has my back.”By applying this positive mantra and outlook to all aspects of life, , users noticed things were going better.

Is there science behind it?

the concept of self-affirmation It’s nothing new. His 2015 study by Christopher N. Cascio suggested that there was evidence in his MRI that practicing self-affirmation tasks increased certain neural pathways, reports PositivePsychology.com. In agreement, Dr. Samant Darshi, Consultant Psychiatrist at Psymate Healthcare & Yatharth Super-Speciality Hospitals said: What it does is it keeps you focused on your chances of succeeding in any situation.It keeps you motivated and optimistic. This allows you to make decisions out of a place of power rather than fear. Power-thinkers use their creativity to produce positive results. Staying focused and positive in any situation is very important,” he explained.

Additionally, Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, a mental health and relationship specialist at Artemis Hospital, said the benefits of positive affirmations are indeed many. It can improve academic performance and help practitioners become more open to behavioral change. Told. indianexpress.com.

Life coach Rachelle Indra also posted a video on Instagram explaining the neuroscience behind the syndrome. claimed to monitor our perception of the world. And saying, “I’m lucky,” can train the RAS to filter out negative information and change its mindset.

But are affirmations enough?

The trend also has a fair share of skeptics. The lucky girl syndrome has been criticized by some. “Toxic Positive” movement.in an interview with HarpersBazaar.com, Executive Career Coach Lisa Quinn said: A rich white girl’s tendency to socialize her media without checking her own privileges. She added that lucky girl syndrome does not take into account cultural biases and ignores that some people are simply more privileged or “lucky” than others.

Even Dr. Lacna agreed that positive affirmations also have a downside. “These seem to work in the short term, but not in the long term. They also don’t tolerate the negative emotions that are part of everyone’s life,” she added.

So take these trends with a grain of salt. The saying “think positive” is old and for good reason, but be prepared to back it all up with concrete actions and plans.

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