Home Health Care Kemp signs bill to ease limits on new health care facilities while restating opposition to Medicaid expansion • Georgia Recorder

Kemp signs bill to ease limits on new health care facilities while restating opposition to Medicaid expansion • Georgia Recorder

by Universalwellnesssystems

The governor signed a high-profile health care bill Friday seen as a potential path to passing full Medicaid expansion next year, raising new questions about whether he will change his mind after another year.

In strong comments at the rally, Gov. Brian Kemp reiterated his opposition to a full expansion of the public insurance program. event Thursday, it was sponsored by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“I’m a ‘no’ guy,” Kemp said. “I support what we’ve done. We just need a little more time to continue implementing and getting people to sign up for his Pathways.”

Governor’s Program “Road to Coverage” Released in July last year And it partially expanded coverage for some low-income Georgians who complete 80 hours of work, school, or other qualifying activities each month.

The program has targeted less than 4,000 of the 350,000 eligible Georgians, but governors have blamed the slow start on delays caused by the Biden administration’s attempts to block the program. The state is sued the federal government It will take more time to ramp up the program, which would otherwise expire next fall.

of invoice The bill signed by the governor on Friday focuses primarily on the state’s Certificate of Need rules, which govern the number of medical services allowed in certain regions of the state. But the bill also creates a commission to review health care issues affecting low-income and uninsured Georgians.

The nine-member commission, to be led by a health policy expert appointed by Kemp, must be established by July of this year. It is tasked with submitting a report by the end of the year and ahead of next year’s session, which begins in January.

Remarks at Friday’s bill signing formula In Athens, Kemp touted changes that would increase state funding for the state’s rural hospital tax credit program, raise the cap from $75 million to $100 million, and ease state regulations on new or expanded medical facilities. did.

“Going forward, Georgians will have easier access to several important health care areas, including inpatient psychiatric and substance abuse programs, basic prenatal services, midwifery centers, general acute care hospitals, and more.” Kemp said.

The bill had been highlighted in Congress this year as a potential opportunity to fully expand Medicaid. Separately, a state Senate committee held a hearing on a proposal calling for an Arkansas-style Medicaid expansion model that would use federal money to buy private insurance for eligible people.the bill failed by a narrow margin In committee on the last day of the 2024 session.

“I had no problem with Congress discussing that,” Kemp said at an AJC event Thursday. “That’s certainly up to them. I respected that. But when they start talking about going to the floor and going to a vote, they need to have a fiscal memo.”

The governor, who is in the middle of his final term, also argued that full Medicaid expansion would move people away from private health insurance, which pays high reimbursement rates to health care providers.

But pressure to change course will continue to mount, especially if Pathways enrollment continues to lag. Georgia is one of 10 states that have not fully expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

“I’m a pro,” said state Rep. Scott Holcomb, an Atlanta Democrat. Said on social media Friday. “Georgia has the second highest uninsured rate in the country. We have vulnerable hospitals serving people without insurance. It costs much more. It would be unreasonable not to consider it.”

Some advocates said they view the governor’s comments as consistent with previous statements.

“We hope that the commission created by HB 1339 will shine a light on the need to close the health care gap in Georgia and change our minds,” said Scott, executive director of the nonpartisan organization Georgia First. Natalie Crawford said. Formed in 2022.

The new committee will likely receive a lot of attention in the future.

“We are excited about Medicaid expansion and the creation of a Comprehensive Health Insurance Commission to consider how best to expand health coverage to the many uninsured Georgians.” said Monty Veasey, president and CEO of the Georgia Regional Hospital Alliance.

“This heralds a new era in health care in Georgia and could help hospitals, especially rural hospitals, continue to serve patients and improve outcomes.”

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