Home Products Kate Middleton, other celebrity diagnoses may stoke public’s cancer fears

Kate Middleton, other celebrity diagnoses may stoke public’s cancer fears

by Universalwellnesssystems

Let’s start with the good news: Cancer deaths have fallen by almost a third since 1991. According to the American Cancer SocietyAnd the bad news is that the fear of cancer is gone. In fact, experts say that even though the death rate is falling, cancer phobia seems to be as strong as ever. Why is that?

One reason, says Jesse Levin, a psychologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is that we’re talking a lot more openly these days about all kinds of illnesses, including cancer. Openness reduces stigma, which is a good thing, but frequent media coverage of high-profile cases can also lead to more people being stigmatized. King CharlesDuchess Catherine and actress Olivia Munn — may increase fear.

Regarding cancer, We have many fearsSome of these fears are now exaggerated or outdated, thanks to medical advances. Still, there is a reason why oncologist and author Siddhartha Mukherjee called cancer the “emperor of all diseases” and why, even if it is not the leading cause of death (that “honor” goes to cardiovascular disease), it is high on the list of diseases we fear most. As stated in a systematic review of attitudes, cancer is widely considered a “ferocious, unpredictable and indestructible enemy.”

Cancer was once considered a death sentence, but before modern treatments were developed, this was not an unjustified fear. For example, the testicular cancer I was diagnosed with in 1984 is now Five-year survival rate That figure has increased from about 80% in 1975 to 95% today. National Cancer Institute (NCI) The five-year survival rate for breast cancer has increased from 76% in 1975 to 91% today. NCI report.

For cancer in general, the five-year survival rate has increased from about 50% in 1975 to more than 69% today. To NCI.

At the same time, some Immunotherapy “The other drugs are much less invasive than the traditional treatments, which often have side effects like nausea, vomiting, and hair loss. That’s why experts and cancer survivors alike have told me so many times: Get the facts about your type of cancer. That goes a long way toward reducing fear.”

A retired journalist and author of a new book,Cure cancer phobia“How Risk, Fear, and Worry Drive Us Crazy” exposes other outdated fears. “Our fear of cancer has not kept pace with the medical advances of the last few decades,” he says. “Of the roughly 200 cancers, two-thirds are 1720188025 It should be possible to treat it as a chronic condition or even cure it altogether, but we don’t believe that’s the case.”

The result is too many of what Ropeik calls “frightening excisions” — surgeries that are medically unnecessary, such as prostatectomies or radiation treatments for asymptomatic, indolent prostate cancer, or mastectomies for ductal breast cancer that hasn’t spread and is unlikely to do so in the future. In both cases, experts say active surveillance with regular follow-up is a good approach.

Ropeik says our lack of control over the disease, our sense of helplessness, makes it worse. “When there’s nothing we can do, we feel more scared,” he told me. Levin, the psychologist, agreed. “We want to say, ‘I can do this, I can avoid that.’ Cancer is imprinted on our minds as something we can’t control.”

but Science of the last 20 years We now know that there are many things individuals can do to reduce their risk of cancer. Most importantly,

Do not smoke. Researchers recently People who quit smoking reduced their overall risk by 17%. Any They found that their cancer risk was 42% lower than those who continued to smoke. lung cancer27 percent lower risk Liver cancer14 percent lower risk stomach cancer 20% reduction in risk Colorectal cancer.

Eat right. Research has shown that a healthy diet (less meat and processed foods and more vegetables, whole grains and fish), regular exercise, sun protection and preventive screenings also reduce cancer risk, but it doesn’t reduce the risk to zero, “and it’s really difficult for people to deal with,” Levin said.

Cancer phobia may promote the detection of some cancers that are deemed less likely to spread or cause symptoms, leading to overtesting, overdiagnosis, and overtreatment (overtreatment refers to the decision to choose more aggressive, riskier treatments than are medically necessary, such as the aforementioned prostatectomy and mastectomy).

So what can you do to reduce cancer anxiety? In addition to doing some research to understand your condition, here are some strategies experts suggest.

Mind-body interventionThese include: Cognitive behavioral therapy, Mindfulness Meditation, Relaxation techniques Use of the creative arts as a means of self-expression: A meta-analysis Published in Psycho-Oncology They concluded that “these interventions produced significant small- to medium-sized effects” that were maintained at two-year follow-up. Some studies have suggested that the psychoactive drug psilocybin may be helpful, but there is much ongoing research on this topic.

Keep talking about the causes of your anxietyFears we know about are actually less scary than hidden fears. Avoidance doesn’t reduce risk, Levin adds, but it can limit your options. Find a therapist who deals with these issues; many cancer hospitals can provide referrals.

It’s ok to ask for helpIn fact, saying “I can’t do this alone” is not only okay, it’s a sign of strength. Don’t be afraid to say you’re overwhelmed. Most people are. You don’t have to be a so-called cancer warrior.

Help comes in many formsAmong them are psychotherapists, social workers, religious leaders, nutrition experts, organized support groups, and of course friends and family. If you’re worried about the healing process, find someone who’s been through it. Worried about money? Seek out a financial professional who can assess your situation.

Beth Rosenberg, a retired cardiologist in North Carolina, aptly summed up how the fear of cancer can harm us just as much, if not more, than the diagnosis itself: “Sadly, I’ve treated too many patients who have had cancer for a long time. [who feared] What you’ll find [and] I waited until the pain and bleeding became unbearable.”

She recalled one patient who delayed seeing a dermatologist out of fear that a skin lesion might be cancerous (which it turned out to be). Or a woman who didn’t come in until her breast tumor had grown too large to ignore. Both women died within the same year. “The resulting scarring and pain would have been much worse if they had gotten over their fear and come in sooner,” Rosenberg said.

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