Home Fitness Just a Little Movement Has Powerful Effects

Just a Little Movement Has Powerful Effects

by Universalwellnesssystems

new study was announced in JAMA Oncology Based on a prospective cohort study of over 22,000 sedentary adults, just a few minutes of “vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity” (VILPA in technical terms) reduced cancer risk17- It was shown to be associated with an 18 percent reduction. UK Biobanka large long-term research resource.

Vilpa is consideration How to introduce more exercise to the least physically active people. This includes sporadic activities that take only a few minutes, such as climbing stairs or power walking. VILPA is promising because it is achievable and does not involve the financial and time costs of a gym membership or a personal trainer. (Most people over the age of 40 do not engage in strenuous exercise or sports.)

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Research results published in 2022 Nature Ingestion of VILPA for approximately 4 minutes was found to reduce all-cause mortality by 26-30%. And these latest findings show that VILPA “may be a promising intervention in cancer prevention for individuals who are unable or unwilling to exercise in their spare time,” the authors said. wrote.

As GQ wellness columnist Joe Holder covered in 2019, one way to incorporate VILPA-like movement is with exercise snacks. That means incorporating sneaky activities into your commute, grocery shopping, and lunch break. This kind of movement he can sneak into his day. At the gym he is much easier than taking an hour session. It only takes a few minutes, but it can pay off later.

Alternatively, if you want to be more discreet about your daily activities, “Try to carry all your shopping bags in one trip” can be called part of the VILPA protocol.

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