Home Fitness Just 11 minutes of one exercise a day cuts early death risk by a quarter

Just 11 minutes of one exercise a day cuts early death risk by a quarter

by Universalwellnesssystems

The study involves more than 30 million participants worldwide, making it the largest such study to date.

Moderate exercise doesn’t have to be what we normally think of as exercise.

A groundbreaking study suggests that just 11 minutes of brisk walking each day could cut your risk of premature death by nearly a quarter. Just 1,100 steps — half the recommended number — could help prevent heart disease and certain cancers.

The study, the largest to date with more than 30 million participants worldwide, found that 75 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week was associated with a 23% lower risk of death.

Dr Soren Brasi, who led the study, said: “Our findings should come as good news for anyone who finds 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week a bit of a challenge. A little exercise is better than none at all, so this is a good starting point.”

“Once you find that 75 minutes a week is manageable, you can gradually work your way up to the recommended amount,” he adds.

Even simple exercise can have a big impact on your health

One in five middle-aged people in the UK lead a sedentary lifestyle, and the most common excuses given for not exercising are reported to be lack of time and being too tired. Wales Online.

A research team from the University of Cambridge combined data from 196 peer-reviewed studies covering 94 large cohorts.

Studies have found that the benefits of getting more than the 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise recommended by health authorities each week are minimal, but even achieving just half of this recommendation can have a significant health benefit, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer by 17% and 7%, respectively.

The incidence of certain cancers, including those affecting the head and neck, blood, bone marrow, and digestive system, has decreased by 14 to 26 percent. The incidence of tumors of the lung, liver, uterus, intestine, and breast has also decreased by 3 to 11 percent.

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